Activision has their own games. Blizzard has our own games. We're not going to go in and fire their people and they aren't going to come in and fire any of ours.

Activision has their own games. Blizzard has our own games. We're not going to go in and fire their people and they aren't going to come in and fire any of ours.

We're always trying to improve and to make our games better.

We're always trying to improve and to make our games better.

I think if you're a small studio, you're living or dying by the success of the next project, it takes a lot of superhuman effort - or at least it did for us.

I think if you're a small studio, you're living or dying by the success of the next project, it takes a lot of superhuman effort - or at least it did for us.

I agree that we need to have real temporary foreign workers, who are working in the fields, picking fruits.

Yes, I worked in Montreal. I worked there for 20 years... I came back to Beauce in 2006 to represent the Beaucerons.

I like free markets, I like competition.

The People's Party, I am working for the people and we want to put the power back in people.

I am not a communist.

Everyone who knows me, they know that I am not a socialist.

You can be of any ethnic background or faith and be a Canadian if you share fundamental Canadian values, learn about our history and culture, and integrate in our society.

I don't care one bit about people's race or skin colour.

I can understand why immigrants would want to bring the rest of their extended family here, including older ones who will benefit from our health-care system.

We must go back and we must be sure that our immigrants will be well-integrated into our society, and the best way to do that is to have more economic immigrants, less refugees a little bit and less reunufication of families.

We must give less money to these provinces, like my own province of Quebec, and give them the right incentive to develop their own natural resources and their economy.

While the other parties look at polls and focus groups to decide what they stand for, and pander to every special interest group, we follow our principles.

I think it is not important to have the free trade agreement with China.

My party will do nothing on climate change because environment, it's a shared jurisdiction, and provinces, they have programs for that, and so I'll let provinces decide what they're going to do to fight climate change.

What is best for the Beauce is what is best for Canada.

I want a smaller government, yes, but I want a government that will be fair.

I want to get rid of corporate welfare.

You know, I'm a free market politician and I think I'm the only one who worked for think-tanks like the Montreal Economic Institute.