I am saying to Canadians, there is no climate emergency in this country.

We need new technology to fight climate change and that will come from the private sector.

I believe in people, and you don't need to be a feminist for that.

Canadians are a compassionate people and we should be. But at what cost?

Brian Mulroney came to power in 1984 and privatized Petro-Canada, brought in the GST and signed the free trade agreement with the U.S. He was a great prime minister and made bold conservative changes. That's all I want to do.

You have to stick to your principles and when you believe in something, to fight for it.

If you believe in free markets, I don't want to make any compromise with my principles and I think that's the right policy for Canadians and for Canadian consumers.

The politicians, they try to please everybody and when you want to please everybody, you won't please everybody. That's not my way of doing politics.

Do we want to emphasize our ethnic and religious differences, and exploit them to buy votes, as the Liberals are doing? Or emphasize what unites us and the values that can guarantee social cohesion?

The Conservative Party has abandoned conservatives.

A Conservative party that supports free markets should also advocate the end of corporate welfare.

Some may remember that, in 2010, I publicly broke ranks with my colleagues from the Quebec City area who were pushing our government to subsidize a new sports amphitheater in the city. They had seized on this popular project to... What else? Buy votes.

I know many Canadians are fed up with the traditional way of doing politics.

A small group of motivated citizens can potentially have as much influence as a lobby group spending millions of dollars.

The free market, the people, will find solutions and they always did in the past.

You can shut down our economy and the effect on climate change, it will be nothing.

I believe in climate change.

I have people on Twitter that they know better my own platform than myself.

I'm a kind of an entrepreneur.

Justin Trudeau is always saying diversity's our strength. It is not our strength.

A person that wants to come to our country must share our Canadian values.

Diversity, it is good. This country has been built by diversity. But diversity in sharing of values? For me, it's not good.

I don't want our country to be like other countries in Europe in having a challenge to integrate their new immigrants.

We're not radical when we are speaking about fewer immigrants.