What's important is that you build your company to be able to capture the opportunity as it comes.

We see our clients saying we want a diverse team and also to attract people particularly the millennials they really care about working in a diverse workplace.

My younger self was driven by the desire to be extremely successful.

When you come in as a new leader it's really important that people do get to know you and that you are constantly communicating.

We're living in a world where clients constantly are saying to me, 'The most important thing you can do is to tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.'

Innovation by definition cannot be only internal.

Companies, communities and governments have to be innovators, and they cannot do it alone.

A comment is no longer a comment. You have to be really careful about what you say and the questions you ask.

You can be in Shanghai on a Thursday, London on Friday, and in bed at home by Friday night.

One of the big aha moments is how many large companies still don't use collaboration tools and aren't using digital technologies internally. They're engaging with their customers, but they haven't invested in the infrastructure that allows their employees to telecommute.

I worked starting when I was 14. I was the reservationist at the Elizabeth Howard dinner theater. They had never hired someone in high school, let alone a 14-year-old.

I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer in eighth grade.

My dad painted cars for a living. He didn't graduate from high school.

Make no mistake, blockchain will be a game changer, but it is not the answer to every business opportunity or problem.

When you come in as a new leader, it's really important that people do get to know you and that you are constantly communicating. That's really hard in a big organization.

Clients want to work with us.

I grew up with a single pair of shoes until I grew into the next size. My parents believed in the American dream and the power of education but didn't have the money to send me to college. I realized early on that I needed to go against the flow and be better than everyone else to support my family.

Pretty much every industry we serve feel like they are way over-regulated.

Innovation hubs are going to be in cities focused on the industries and clients of that city. So in Houston, it's focused on our industrial companies, particularly the energy sector, robotics, and automation.

What you want is to have women at the same pace as men doing tech immersion. It's not that every woman has to do it, but to close the gap, you need to have them do it at the same pace as men.

Digital fluency... is literally your ability to do things like banking online, to connect with people, to use a device and the Internet in a very easy way.

Digital fluency is about basic skills.

Our focus has been on having Accenture be a place where you can be successful as an employee at work and also at home.

Digital fluency can accelerate progress.