The U.S. may be behind on family-friendly benefits, but I see it's changing, because we're all facing a talent war.

If you choose to work at a larger company over a smaller company, you are more likely to be higher paid.

The impact of digital and technology without a shared success mindset can be very detrimental to communities around the world.

I don't care what level you are, there is the need to offer straight talk when you're working with clients. You have to have the courage to deliver tough messages.

People often talk about the self-driving car and what will that do. In 32 states, the number one job is to be the driver. But remember, it's not just the driver. Let's think about the truck stops along the way. When you suddenly have a lot of other people who are dependent on those careers.

Blockchain should be used to address opportunities and problems that lack easier answers.

Diversity is critical to innovation.

I have this little plaque that my husband hung on our wall at home. It says, 'If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.'

Cloud is so important because it enables digital transformation. It underpins disruptive new technologies in social, mobile, and analytics - and it is enabling industry leaders to compete in digital. Innovation is happening in the cloud - and cloud gives companies the speed and flexibility to be much more agile.

It is very hard to transform your culture and your workforce to be a relevant company in the digital world if all of your processes are stuck in the traditional world.

We're not going to change overnight that we have a majority of all white male leaders.

We called our research 'Getting to Equal - How Digital is Helping to Close the Gender Gap at Work.' And at its heart we found that when men and women have the same level of digital fluency, women are better at using their digital skills to gain more education and find work.

You can't expect leaders and people to be intentional, take the steps that are needed, and be a part of making progress if you're not willing to be transparent about where we are and where we want to go.

I want to leave Accenture better than I found it. I am focused on investing our people, our community and effective diversity and inclusion initiatives.

My dad painted cars for a living, and my mom graduated from college when I was a college freshman myself.

We don't hire students who are just good at academics.

I have an unwavering commitment to inclusion and diversity.

We're smarter and more innovative when we're diverse.

There is a very genuine belief that without diversity of thought, companies can't innovate.

Transparency builds trust and it's critical in a crisis.

I think people underrate the importance of investing in your communication skills as a way to progress in your career.

My parents believed in the American dream and the power of education, but didn't have the money to send me to college. I realized early on that I needed to go against the flow and be better than everyone else to support my family.

Digital disruption has blurred industry lines. You have industry convergence. You have cross-industry platforms. And you have CEOs who are benchmarking the best, regardless of industry.

What motivates me has changed over time. My younger self was driven by the desire to be extremely successful.