I will support vigorously whoever commits to reduce the size of government the most.

America is way too quick to trade freedom for the illusion of security. Whether it's allowing the NSA to go way too far in what it intercepts of our personal data, to our government monitoring of everything domestically and spending way more than we should.

Training for any difficult job is essential.

The video game industry is constantly evolving. The sheer creativity matched with cutting-edge technologies gives me the comfort that innovation is alive and well in America.

My father was a brilliant inventor and businessman. He taught me to appreciate the opportunities that America offers to innovators.

Video games are an exciting medium. The creativity of design, the technology and the interaction represent the best of American innovation.

Limited government is best.

I'm a pretty stubborn guy. I don't quit too easily.

I'm a business guy just trying to make - provide great services to the customers that need us.

I'm a strong supporter of the military.

I've done dumb things.

For people to mischaracterize my time or ownership of Blackwater as being some great financial bonanza, it was not. It was most definitely not.

Any time you employ thousands of people, some people do dumb things.

The Janjaweed is a truly unfettered bully. No one has stood up to them. If they were met by a mobile quick reaction force of African Union soldiers, the Janjaweed would quickly learn their habits were not sustainable.

We're trying to do for the national ­security apparatus what FedEx did for the postal ­service.

We have done great work for the U.S. government.

Any systems can always be made better.

The people we helped in the field, they know what the legacy is. The 40% or so of Americans that really can't stand the name of Blackwater, that's fine, I'll never really win them over anyway. And I really don't care.

We have no George Pattons anymore. We have no Ulysses S. Grants. We have none of the swashbuckling generals that actually made things happen.

We have the finest officers in the world, but it seems like once they become generals it is a self-licking ice cream cone of who gets promoted and who gets approved to join that club. No one thinks outside the box.

We have a great all-volunteer force, but the fact is that 0.5% of the U.S. population serves in the military, maybe another 3-5% knows someone who serves. Leaving 95% of Ameria with no real contact with the military.

I'm not a huge believer that government provides a whole lot of solutions.

I'm a very free market guy.

If someone is doing that, saving the customer money, is making a profit so bad?