The reason why Silicon Valley is a worldwide innovation center is because it is a open culture that embraces diversity. You see people from all over the world. When you have many people from different backgrounds gathered together, that is where innovation comes from.

Before I came to Silicon Valley I was in Beijing, China and I was twenty-seven. When I saw the Internet, I immediately realized that it was going to change everything.

We help ensure that Zoom is made up of caring people starting with the hiring process. At that point, we evaluate candidates on whether we believe they can embrace the value of Care and deliver happiness for others.

My beloved father passed away just two months after I told him I was going to start a company. Whenever I make progress in my career, I wish I could share the news with my father.

If your employees are not happy, nothing else at your company will go well.

Building trust is very important.

I'm a Chinese American.

If the world misunderstands us, then I don't blame others, it's our problem.

The harshest criticism may be the best words you ever hear.

I knew two things from my father: keep working hard, stay humble, and someday you'll be OK.

We take privacy very seriously and have privacy a policy and our intention is never to sell any customer data.

There's a reason why Silicon Valley is the worldwide innovation center, or why this is the startup valley, because I truly believe startup companies like mine are pushing the economy forward.

My older brother went into another city for college, and I felt like I wanted to stay in my home town to be close to my parents. Looking back, that was the best decision. My father passed away in 2010 and I got to enjoy those four years with him.

We want to embed Zoom into all workflow applications. That's our direction.

Zoom does not focus on revenue goals, but rather we have confidence that focusing on the happiness of existing customers and our employees will organically increase growth.

Numerous studies show that people derive more personal satisfaction and are more productive when they engage at a deeper level. In the past, we did that through live, in-person interactions, but it's more of a challenge for distributed workforces to maintain that level of engagement.

I never thought that overnight the whole world would be using Zoom. Unfortunately, we did not prepare well, mentally and strategy-wise.

I tell myself, every morning when I wake up, two things. Don't let the world down. Don't let our users down.

My journey with Zoom began with a desire for the independence to build something that would make users happy, a true video-first unified communications platform.

No one wants to be the person who peaked in high school!

If you see your company culture as a family, you don't want to fire someone just because their short-term performance is not good. If you do, even the people on your team who are excellent performers will look at what's going on and say, 'Someday you might fire me too.' You'll lose everyone's trust.

In business, speed is everything.

I don't mind working long hours, because I enjoy doing that. The way to make myself happy is to work long hours.

When I do something, I want to win. If I lose, I feel bad.