If I could send a message back to my younger self, it would be: Do not work for the State Department at all.

Why should I pay for business? Fly coach, you arrive at the same time.

The failings in Afghanistan don't fall on the shoulders of the American service personnel trying to complete their mission. The failure falls on military leadership unable to adapt to irregular warfare, and a Congress that blindly continues to fund failure.

I'm not sure whether a person can really gauge the quality of his work by the enemies he's made, but if I somehow upset Hamas and the Taliban and Henry Waxman, I must have done something right.

I don't know if I want to live in a country where lone wolf and random terror attacks are impossible 'cause that country would look more like North Korea than America.

I would rather deal with the vagaries of investing in Africa than in figuring out what the hell else Washington is going to do to the entrepreneur next.

I'm going to teach high school. History and economics. I may even coach wrestling. Hey, Indiana Jones taught school, too.

In Afghanistan, the viceroy approach would reduce rampant fraud by focusing spending on initiatives that further the central strategy, rather than handing cash to every outstretched hand from a U.S. system bereft of institutional memory.

Readiness is an oft-mentioned - but frequently ignored - necessity.

Everyone says they support our troops and thank you for their service, if they really want to support their troops, demand better. Demand that their sacrifice not be wasted. That we not just muddle along as some of the generals have called for.

Entrepreneurship made America great.

When the United States first went into Afghanistan in 2001, it devastated the Taliban and Al Qaeda in a matter of weeks using only a few hundred C.I.A. and Special Operations personnel, backed by American air power. Later, when the United States transitioned to conventional Pentagon stability operations, this success was reversed.

I know a lot of people in the aviation business, particularly ones who will fly to places where your boots get dirty when you get out of the airplane.

It's amazing how many countries run their embassies as commercial outposts to promote businessmen from their country.

I'm a practicing Roman Catholic, but you don't have to be Catholic, you don't have to be a Christian to work for Blackwater.

In Iraq, State Department civilians and U.S. soldiers have been operating in the same location in an active war zone. While the troops have been facing insurgents, the State Department civilians have been working to rebuild institutions and infrastructure. Blackwater's role in this war evolved from this unprecedented dynamic.

When someone needs copper, or wood or an ag product, and they invest capital somewhere to make that happen, and people get jobs from that, and that good gets introduced to the world stage and it gets traded and moved, the whole world benefits.

I identify with Wyoming, I love the state of Wyoming, I love the people. It's a fantastic state - people that live in rugged conditions and who make their living doing things in the outdoors.

I hope that with video conferencing like Zoom everyone can spend time with family.

We should be on the forefront on this focus on justice, and do all we can to care about our community, to care about our society, and to make our communities a much better place.

We want to make sure every user is happy.

Empathy, humanity and support for each other is more important than revenue, than growth.

Hijacking other's meetings or classrooms - this is online crime.

Social networking like Facebook or Twitter is very popular, but one thing I have found is that the more social networking tools you are using, the more alone you feel.