I never got close to the creative in AWA; not only was I not close to it, I wasn't allowed to be in a room close to it when they were talking about creative. That is how tightly held Verne Gagne believed in kayfabing people who he didn't believe needed to be in the process.

You know that Vince Russo... when Russo and I agreed to work together, one of his big ideas was that he wanted Lance Storm to be my son.

Tony Schiavone - I have always liked and respected Tony.

When you hang on a little too long, you disappoint your fans, and deep, deep down inside, you're disappointing yourself, and that's the part that hurts you the most.

I have a lot of respect for the folks over at WWE, and I have a ton of respect for what they've accomplished within the industry.

The reason we didn't acquire WCW is an incoming, rotating door, new head of Turner at that time, took prime time television literally out of the deal that we had already negotiated. Once that happened, there was no way to make any sense of it. It was really just a video library and some ring mats.

By the time my attempt to acquire WCW fell apart and Time Warner decided they didn't want anything remotely associated with wrestling near their networks, once that happened and really cut the cord, it was in my rear view mirror and didn't care or think about it too much.

One of the advantages and disadvantages of WCW had to deal with was being a member of Turner Broadcasting.

People always said during the Monday Night Wars that the only way we were able to compete was due to a large checkbook and deep pockets. That's not very true at all. That is a false narrative designed to shape history. WWE had significant advantages over WCW and vice versa.

I've always believed that the audience and the energy that the audience creates is sometimes just as important as the action inside of the ring.

Bumps often require giving yourself completely to the talent you're in the ring with, and that's what makes wrestling such a performance art that is different from every other.

Shakespeare is still Shakespeare because story rules.

A lot of respect for Ric Flair; he's just a great guy.

It's really gratifying to see, after all these years, and I've been in the business for 30 years, and after all of these years, to see fans wearing nWo shirts and fans of WCW who still remember make me feel good.

I think most people, most rational people, most people that I would feel comfortable sitting in a room with, understand that wrestling is scripted entertainment. But they don't want you to remind them of that.

This isn't a competitive sport. Wrestling is not the NFL or the NHL. It's not really sports. It's entertainment. And in order to be entertaining, you have to create emotion. And you can't create emotion by simply having a wrestling match.

When WCW first really began to enjoy the success that we enjoyed, it was because of the story lines that we were putting out in front of people.

Florida was a hotbed of professional wrestling, one of the hottest in the country.

Sports entertainment in general, it's a very competitive business.

The television business, by virtue of what's happened to streaming, it's really turned the traditional television business upside down.

I don't reflect back too much on moments in my career.

I'm not the type of person that lives in the past, quite honestly.

Professional wrestling, the WWE, and being in the Hall of Fame represent such a large part of Hulk's life, as does his connection to the audience.

To many generations of fans, Hulk Hogan really represents the beginning of what became this amazing industry that we have.