We're trying to create one holistic beauty experience where you can be inspired by other women, both the people we're interviewing and the community contributing to the conversation.

I don't even need to know - if you have something to prove to your old boss or your dad or your third grade teacher or yourself, it doesn't matter. You need that hustle and that fire, and I don't care where it comes from.

I love someone with something to prove.

That power of the individual person - just the girl - is infinite.

I am crazy for good branding and really admire companies that get it right.

At Glossier, we're creating an edited collection of the best essential products. These are the ones that you reach for every day and will always have a place on your top shelf.

Elin Kling is one of the most stylish women I know.

In my humble opinion, having tons of products and furniture and magazines and clothes is not luxurious - living minimally is.

Augmenting your appearance so drastically that it elicits a reaction from literally every acquaintance you greet is a sea change.

The guardians of French pharmacies - the lab-coated salespeople - are busy, serious, and probably know more about your face than you do. Therefore, don't interrupt them, and if they ask you if they can help you, for God's sake, let them. They will not steer you wrong.

I've never been one for color theory or color wheels or undertone rules or anything like that. I don't know if my red lipstick 'should' be more blue or more orange.

I would rather be 'oily' than 'dry' on pretty much any part of my body.

Women are truly, truly awesome.

What no one tells you - or maybe they did tell me, and I chose not to listen - is that there's really no 'coming back' from bleached platinum hair. You sort of have to cut it all off and start over.

For some, Into The Gloss is just a blog, and that's cool. For us, it's the connective tissue between us and you, and that has paved the way for the creation of a very different kind of beauty brand: Glossier.

Where Halloween is concerned, I peaked in 2007.

We wanted Glossier to have an excellent customer experience and reach as many of you as possible from day one, so we went with venture - the stuff fast-growth, tech-enabled companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Apple are made of.

Throughout your teens and twenties, it's pretty easy to live in a suspended reality - one where you never get old or need to spend much time thinking about 401Ks, mammograms, or renewing your license. You don't need me to tell you: that ends.

The single guiding principle that I try to follow, assuming blindly that the rest will fall into place, is to operate squarely in the present. I think it's one of the most difficult things for anyone to do.

I have long been of the mindset that aviators are like leather jackets - when they're perfect, they give you 'instant cool.' They're the Alexa Chung of sunglasses.

My brain puts baths in the same category as yoga: it'd be 'nice' to relax for an hour, but I just want a 10-minute, high-impact workout; get in, get out. Showers are my cardio.

A huge number of women are shopping for beauty products based on recommendations from friends, and we really look to be that friend.

Unlike a celebrity, there's nothing I won't try and nothing I won't talk about when it comes to my hair. If I were to get a tattoo on my inner upper arm, it would read, 'Change thy hair, change thyself.'

I like books that explore identity and youth culture or rites of passage.