Instagram has a faster chance of reaching me than CNN, and if I really want to know what's going on, I refresh my Twitter feed.

This is hard to admit, but historically, I haven't worn sunscreen. I know - not good.

My musical inclinations are fine and dandy within the confines of my ears and my earphones but don't sit well with others.

Our message has always transcended borders and cultures and is central to who we are as a brand.

So much of venture capital is pattern recognition.

At 'Vogue,' I was responsible for a lot of production work, and production work is highly detailed, and you have to be very resourceful to fit a square peg into a round hole. I learned to push the envelope when it comes to asking questions or making requests.

My desk is more of a place where I set my stuff, and then I move around. If I'm at the office, I'm usually wandering around to different meeting rooms all day or taking people out or making tea. I'm rarely at my desk; it's just a place to hang my hat.

When you own a pair of haircutting scissors, you cut your own hair constantly.

When Glossier launched in the U.S. back in 2014, it felt small - but in a good way. We were able to introduce ourselves locally, start a community, and build something special together.

I must admit that self-tanner is one beauty arena I've been hesitant to explore, let alone fully embrace.

Over the years of running Into The Gloss, I began to see a gap in the way beauty companies were creating products and marketing them to women. There wasn't one brand that really spoke to girls like me, who created products for real life. So we set out to create that brand with Glossier.

I am, in fact, a candle salesperson's worst nightmare - or dream come true, depending on the salesperson.

Products are a way to connect with - or disconnect from - who you are.

People often ask me, 'How do you go about choosing who to feature on Into The Gloss?' And I've never had a great answer. Ultimately, I think the #1 thing that draws me to someone is their sense of freedom.

I like a semi-stressful massage - one where I can really feel something being worked out.

My December is typically one big, sweaty 'wintry mix' blur, not a punch-laden, heartwarming mixer.

The ideal intern is committed, creative, organized, ambitious, independent, and able to crack a smile, whether meeting a celebrity or folding socks.

Your skin is like a plant. You have to water it. Make sure it's hydrated, not just squeaky clean.

Sunscreen, in the world of beauty, is the ultimate in adulting.

In beauty, there's this idea of this perfect picture, and I think, 'How about being present in the now, and a little messy?'

I don't see myself as a great discoverer of artists, like Charles Saatchi.

A lot of executives act like their time is worth more than anyone else's. But I always respect an employee who guards his or her time, even from me.

Unfortunately, the boards of art institutions tend to be populated with well-meaning supporters of the arts who often lack any business background or appetite for imposing appropriate discipline.

Teach For America provides one of the most critical pipelines for bringing new talent into public education.