Without a doubt, stem cell research will lead to the dramatic improvement in the human condition and will benefit millions of people.

I'd rather be respected than loved.

I've always been inspired by retail entertainment, whether Ralph Lauren or the Disney Store or Niketown.

I'm not so much a shoe or bag person as jewelry, and I think it's because jewelry is like candy.

I love accessorizing with jewelry.

I love 'Gossip Girl' for so many reasons. The show is like candy: a delicious treat for fans.

If your heart's not into what you're selling, you're not going to make it.

It's inspiring to watch people love my dad and want to work with him. I feel that same investment in making sure people are happy.

Some people like telling people what to do. I don't like telling people what to do.

Being in meetings - that feels like work. But finding candy, being in the store - that's fun, and it drives me.

I like having a lot of sunlight because it helps me wake up. And I don't get depressed in winter.

I definitely eat candy in bed. I eat candy wherever I am.

If you're running a race, and you're looking at the lane to your right or your left, you're gonna trip instead of... focusing forward.

People get emails from me at 3 in the morning.

Oprah Winfrey is such an inspiring person.

Oprah Winfrey is such an inspiring person.

There are a few entrepreneurs whom I look up to. My dad, Ralph Lauren, has definitely evolved into a lifestyle brand of clothing and home furnishings.

There are a few entrepreneurs whom I look up to. My dad, Ralph Lauren, has definitely evolved into a lifestyle brand of clothing and home furnishings.

I feel like I filled a niche for myself as a candy freak, trying to find candies all around the world that I couldn't find.

I feel like I filled a niche for myself as a candy freak, trying to find candies all around the world that I couldn't find.

I did have a 1977 Barbie, but I was more into stuffed animals than dolls.

I did have a 1977 Barbie, but I was more into stuffed animals than dolls.

I'm a stuffed rabbit collector.

I was not a girly girl. I was a tomboy.