Before I got married, I never really watched TV. Now, my husband and I watch 'The Bachelor' together. I love 'The Soup' - that's where I get a lot of my pop culture - and 'Chelsea Lately.'

I love all the gift guides that the magazines put out, whether it's 'InStyle' doing Mother's Day gifts or color guides, or the 'O' magazine Christmas guide.

My friends call me Clark Kent: I'm known to change in phone booths.

I am a picky eater. By that I mean, I love to pick the raisins out of oatmeal raisin cookies, the chips out of chocolate chip cookies, the white side off of black and white cookies, and the vanilla center out of Oreos.

Anytime you can promote young artists and designers is a cool thing.

Everything I own has some significance to me.

I love Janet Jackson and her creative set design.

I dye my eyelashes on occasion so I don't have to wear mascara. I find that mascara weighs on my eyes, making me sleepy, and it is a pain to take off.

When I started Dylan's Candy Bar in 2001, I wanted it to be a place that merged my love of pop culture, fashion, art and music with candy. Since then, we have been fortunate to pioneer artistic partnerships with many legends.

Cut a balance: eat well and then have your sugar fix. Everything in moderation.

Summer is very precious.

My whole house has a lot of silk flowers - it feels like a garden.

If people try to cut sugar out completely, they often splurge later. That isn't a good idea.

I have a vanilla chai latte every morning, which I usually follow with an oatmeal raisin cookie and eggs for breakfast.

My favorite place in the world is my dad's house in Montauk.

The best thing in business is to follow your gut. If a decision is not sitting well with you, don't just make it.

The people at Dylan's Candy Bar, they have to have an inner child and a sense of fun... and love the colors and the textures.

My husband proposed to me on the beach using candy.

My parents were inspired by Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas when naming me. They specifically saved this masculine name for their only girl.

I don't like sitting still at a desk and often conduct business on my Blackberry or in walking meetings.

I love the BlackBerry. I'm on it all the time. I literally wrote my whole book, 'Unwrap Your Sweet Life,' on the BlackBerry while I was working out on the StairMill. So many people tease me about having a BlackBerry, but I meet a lot of people who still use one. Obama has a BlackBerry!

Pinterest has been helpful to my business. Making inspiration boards is really key to developing products. When I was getting married, I literally cut out tear sheets and put my own boards together. Had I known about Pinterest, I would have been able to do it so much more easily.

Candy is childhood, the best and bright moments you wish could have lasted forever.

People will say candy is recession-proof, and we're definitely seeing nostalgic candies coming about, and people want that sugar rush and that nostalgic happiness, like their childhood times.