You can't win anything more special than a World Cup.

Football is my passion.

When there are hard times, the trend is to question yourself and to dig deep but when things go well you shouldn't relax and think things come easy or you need to put in less effort.

Players like me, we did something of a thankless job. You don't show a hard tackle or stripping someone of possession in slow motion on the big screen. But if you add it all up, I was always the one that the coaches wrote down automatically on the lineup card.

I've always hated to lose and I continue to hate it. But I've been obliged to accept it because I also have had some crushing defeats.

My players need to have the feeling that they've pushed themselves to their limits.

When you go to a club abroad and play against one from your own country, you are part of the enemy.

I don't think you just become a leader.

People always want the same thing: to carry on winning.

The biggest victories can lead to the greatest foolishness.

We arrived at the 2002 World Cup with two titles, very calm, well organised, maybe missing a bit of concentration. But the only truth is on the pitch. The dangers are there.

When you make your final list for the World Cup or European Championship you don't take the 23 best players, that is for sure.

There is no worse situation to enter competition than losing the home opener.

There is no better lawyer than Cristiano Ronaldo.

To score three goals and not concede any is always interesting for a coach.

What interests me principally are points.

Creativity is making a good pass at the right time... but it can also come from deeper, there should always be a balance.

In tough times, that's when you see true colours and personality.

Open all the debates that you want, but I think that the players that I select, and in whom I have total confidence, deserve a minimum amount of respect.

Either a player accepts competition or they say they absolutely need to play. For a player to have an open door, I have to have, at the same position, an element that is just as good or even better.

You need to have discussions and make sure you guide players towards the collective spirit. It can't be done overnight.

One of the main tasks of a manager is psychology.

Nothing is impossible. Lassana Diarra did not play for France for five years and then returned.

I always ask myself if a decision is in the team's best interest.