Managing players is harder these days because of the arrival of new technology. They are all using it in their spare time so they become more isolated and selfish. They share less, they talk less. They have apps, their phones and the Internet but they are less used to talking to people.

We can always improve everything.

Even when things are going well, there are always aspects that can be improved.

When things are tough, French athletes tend to pull out great performances.

I wish Kylian to have the same career as Thierry Henry.

Sometimes it doesn't take much to slip back into bad habits.

For a player or coach, there is nothing better than the World Cup.

Playing an ultra-defensive side is very difficult.

What's important is you mustn't focus too early and try to play the game before it actually begins.

We do not do everything perfectly, but the intentions are there.

Kylian is able to do extraordinary things. Look at his stats. He is efficient.

There are a lot of Kylians, but only one Kylian Mbappe.

It happens to attackers that they have a longer or shorter period where they are not always efficient.

My departure from Juve remains a regret, a mistake that taught me one thing - never make an immediate decision, at the end of the season, when everyone is 'boiling.' I have paid for such an experience.

Look, I was a water carrier, I don't reject my image. I didn't have the pretension to think that I could change a match by myself.

The key thing is knowing how to adapt. Adapting to the group that you have at your disposal; adapting to the place where you're working; adapting to the local environment. This is crucial: adaptability.

What I can say is that I feel very good as the national team coach. I really enjoy it.

Competition is for everyone.

You can always criticise people, the players are aware we can improve in a number of areas.

Benzema is a team player, he is very important for us. He always wants to score with us, but scoring is not everything to him.

We can't hide from the truth.

Sport is a way of uniting people.

Sport represents a union of diversity.

You always learn, especially in failure.