Sugar and chocolate, anything that boosts your serotonin levels, is something people, I think, crave.

My favorite genre is definitely romantic comedy. I love 'When Harry Met Sally.'

I always saw candy as art.

My parents always told me, 'Do what you love because that is what you will do well in.' They told me to make sure that you are happy.

Believe in yourself, listen to your gut, and do what you love.

I believe dancing is the best stress reliever.

For me, the goal is to make the most of each player, play them in the position they feel best in. And then repeat, repeat, repeat.

It's hard to evolve when you only have fifteen days or three weeks to practice and correct and change tactics.

At the highest level, if you don't have a solid defensive base, you can't get by. In one match, yes. But over a whole competition? No.

In football, you don't hold on to the ball just to hold on to the ball. When you have it you need to be dangerous, create opportunities and score goals. And when you don't, you make sure the opposition doesn't.

We can't really look back and see what is in the rear-view mirror. This is not how you are going to move forward.

He might not be very tall, but he's very useful. Kante wins balls, has great transition play, can be found everywhere, and always has solutions.

Continuity is very important for national teams.

It is up to the players and their advisers to see what is best for the player.

Each member of the team must feel important - everyone must make my life and choices difficult.

Those friendly games are not pointless. They enable us to go forward.

We want to be the best we can.

That's what international football is all about - be able to bounce after a bad performance.

You have to live in your times.

We can always play better.

All are welcome in sport.

I am not a very good dancer.

There are a lot of things you can practise to unsettle teams that defend deep.

My past as a player is strongly linked to the red, white and blue France shirt.