I'm not immune to disciplinary problems and it's up to me to make strong choices. It's my responsibility.

Nobody knows what will happen in the future.

It's not just about the words you use, but the way you use them, and the message that puts over. Also your face too and the way you project your message. If you're telling the group to stay calm, be good, and you have beads of sweat dripping down your forehead, you're in trouble.

While there is life, there is hope.

Being prudent does not mean being fearful.

Quality has no age.

An invitation to the national team is not a declaration of love.

I always make decisions for the good of the team of France.

It is always good to be careful or vigilant.

You can't wake up one morning and say, 'Right, now I'm going to be a leader.' I think it is something that's in you, that you're born with, and which develops. Some people have that character, that personality and it comes naturally. You can't force it. It has to be authentic and natural. Innate.

Trust implies that both parties participate in the relationship with both 'gives' and 'gets.'

The best companies will build culturally diverse leadership teams and workforces with divergent backgrounds, perspectives, and ideas.

When I was growing up, my father helped kindle my passion for innovation and technology. He was a high-ranking executive at AT&T and used our family dinner table as a focus group.

We've navigated a lot of change at Campbell's. The best thing for me to be able to do is to discuss that change with people.

I want to treat people the way I like to be treated and be very straight with them.

There are going to be priorities and multiple dimensions of your life, and how you integrate that is how you find happiness.

Don't just let your career happen to you.

You need to be strategic about how you define your leadership journey and where that takes you.

At Campbell's, we're listening to consumers. We recognize that real and healthier food is better for our consumers and our business. Our goal is to be the leading health and well-being food company.

Moving with the times is an important idea for strategy today.

I know there are no sure bets or overnight miracles.

You embrace disruption. I think it's a good thing.

The best thing you can do as a leader when people are pressed is get the obstacles out of their way.

I talk to my parents a couple of times a week. I talk to my daughters every day.