The people who work at FDA are just trying to do their jobs.

The ideal time period to get an investment is when you've already proved your concept and know what you're doing, and it's about adding water to the seeds.

Without a doubt, what drives sales is letting people try our products.

There's a fundamental tension that is hard to overcome, that what's wholesome is not convenient and vice versa.

First of all, magicians practice a lot. It requires a lot of discipline. Second, you can't be afraid to be a leader, to go onstage, and you learn to have presence. You need to be able to visualize and connect and create. Most important, you learn to think outside the box.

You have to be very careful. If you over-commercialize a social mission, it completely loses its soul.

Socially conscious brands engender more loyalty.

How powerful it is to surprise a total stranger with a really nice act: buy them a cup of coffee, pay their toll. It makes their day; it makes your day.

There are corporate environments where a person has dedicated their life to working hard, and then they're fired with a security person escorting them out the door. I find that so demeaning and disrespectful.

I'm very inquisitive. I love hanging around people who can teach me. I ask a lot of questions. And I'm very introspective and self-critical.

We're all human, and part of being human is showing respect and support for others' life choices.

When someone gives 60 days' notice, they're able to play an active role in identifying and training their replacement.

I know that when you are experiencing failure, it's pretty damn painful. It is easy in retrospect to wax poetic about it. But in the moment, you don't think you will survive, let alone have the time to reflect on how valuable those lessons will be for you in the future.

Big failures hold better lessons than any success - as long as you are in tune with yourself and are open to learning from them. I can trace every one of my accomplishments to earlier failures that I learned from.

Trying to forget or hide your mistakes is a huge error. Rather, hold them near and dear to your heart. Wear them proudly.

When you're building a business, you want to focus and deliver excellence at what you do. This simply cannot be done when you are launching multiple ventures, dozens of new products, and selling everywhere and anywhere at the same time.

When I was eight, I started what could be considered my first business, performing magic shows in Mexico City.

Like many start-up stories, mine has been rocky.

KIND had grown from a team of dedicated, overworked generalists to a large, professional organization with specialists who had either come in from outside or had been groomed internally to grow in a focused area about which they're passionate.

To maintain our entrepreneurial spirit, we have to create a culture in which everyone remembers that every order, big or small - and every interaction, every moment - will define what our company is today and what it will become tomorrow.

If you can inculcate in your team that every moment means everything, you can then step back to let them lead.

Peace is an idea born from hope and the desire to see your children raise a family, walk in a market, and engage in simple pleasures of everyday life without fear.

Chaos does not unify. Chaos only serves the most extreme elements of society that seek to destabilize any semblance of order to fulfill their selfish lust for power.

My dad's life story was a string of kindness. He treated everyone as an equal, whether it was the bank teller or the bank president. He even attributed his survival to the courage of kindness.