It's unbelievable how good Jon Jones really is. It's the minute he steps out of the octagon, you never know what's going to happen.

There's plenty of people I don't like that we put fights on with. It's not up to me whether I like them or dislike them, it's what the fans want to see.

The UFC brand is going to be here for a long time.

Really, the way to learn jiu-jitsu is to do it. If you do jiu-jitsu you get it and you learn it.

Kimbo Slice the man, you watch the YouTube videos of this guy in backyards, and they start fighting and you think this guy's a thug. You think he's a bad guy, you have this perception of him and then you meet him, it isn't true. It's the exact opposite. He's a really good guy.

I swear to God, if my kids, when they're 18, if they come to me and say, 'Dad, I love pumping gas. I love getting up in the morning, I love grabbing the handle, I love the smell of the gas station,' I'd say, 'Go for it,' because if you love it that much at 18, he's probably going to end up owning 25 gas stations by the time he's 30.

I live a pretty crazy lifestyle.

The reality is this: Fighting isn't a team sport; it's an individual's sport.

There will never be a fighters' union. Ever.

We bought the UFC when not only was it a bankrupt company that was going under, it had a horrible stigma attached to it. This thing was so bad it was not allowed on pay-per-view.

We want to build this sport all over the world and it absolutely, positively works in the U.K.

I never have the plan to overtake boxing. I love boxing; I came from boxing.

I used to laugh at MMA and say 'do you know what a boxer would do to an MMA guy?' and then I got educated on the truth.

Nevada is a very scary place. This is the worst commission on the planet. I am afraid to bring fights to Las Vegas.

Chuck Liddell loves to fight. That's his passion. That's what he loves in life. But there comes a day and age - fighting is a young man's game.

As far as women fighting in MMA, I don't like it when the division isn't deep. I don't like to see a woman who's so much better than everybody else smashing other women. That's tough to watch.

I'm a huge Ronda Rousey fan. She's extremely talented. What I like most about her is she's mean and nasty.

I genuinely love this sport and most of the guys who compete in it.

People try to compete with the UFC but we're the best at what we do.

Am I a little rough around the edges? Do I say things that people don't like sometimes? Do I swear a lot? Yes, yes, yes. Life's hard, man.

I'm nice to everybody, I respect other people. If you respect me, I respect you.

The most famous athletes throughout the history of time are fighters.

I'm a weirdo.

I treat people and I deal with my fighters and I deal with the fans like a real person. I don't come out and read canned statements written by our lawyers.