I try hard to always question myself and wonder, 'What could I have done better? What did I do wrong?' The culture at our company is to be self-critical, but you have to balance that as a leader with praise for your team.

When you're nice, you're not bullying people. But when you're kind, you stand up against the bully.

The truth is that a campaign defines how the electorate will see their president - and this all the more true when shaping the president's image in the eyes of the largest constituency that will actually not vote for them: the international community.

The reason people buy Kind bars is that they're delicious and they're healthful. If the product doesn't taste good, isn't the right price, or doesn't fit their lifestyle choice, even if it's made by Mother Teresa, it's not going to work out.

I have a whole section of a filing cabinet in my office full of ideas. Some are ideas for books or articles I want to write. One is a romantic comedy; one's about my dad's life. I've also got ideas for books on moral relativism as well as democracy and human nature. There's also a really cool concept for a spy novel.

Learning how to contract your power and personality is of incredible importance.

For me, empathy is an existential question - it's about the survival of the human race. That is, it's imperative for us to overcome the challenges we face.

Relying on the power of kindness is a sensitive undertaking. The challenge is to inspire people to be kind more often without tainting the selflessness that comes from doing something nice with no ulterior motive.

The Kind Foundation was created to scale our social impact and be able to deepen our focus on fostering empathy and developing kinder communities.

Unless we can join forces and recognize each other's humanity, how can we do business together, let alone make progress on the increasingly complex and difficult problems in society?

I cannot think of any venture I have initiated where an earlier failure wasn't an important precursor to an eventual success.

We strive for a culture of constant communication. Team members know in real time if there are performance issues. Team leaders know in real time if a team member is unhappy.

We all have a responsibility to try and make this world better, whether it's through our work, the causes we champion, the way that we treat people, or the values we impart to the next generation.

Wall Street sharks will go where they smell the blood, and you cannot change that.

As hundreds of millions of Chinese have improved their standard of living, this has put enormous pressure on natural resources, raw materials, and food basics, among others.

When I was a kid, we'd go to the movies, and my parents would reach out to everyone around us in the theater, most of whom could barely afford the movie ticket. They'd hand out popcorn and Milk Duds, strike up conversations with them, lend shoulders to cry on, learn their names, and smile at everyone.

It's very important for people to know what gives them meaning. But it's hard for people to figure out if you're not connecting with yourself and taking the time to just be introspective and daydream.

I make mistakes daily, letting generalizations creep into my thoughts and negatively affect my behavior. These mistakes have taught me that the first step to successfully choosing kindness is being more mindful about it, letting go of impatience and intolerance along the way.

It takes strength to be kind; it's not a weakness.

Empathy is one of our greatest tools of business that is most underused.

Tasting failure, even when you truly believe in a project, is a critical part of the growth process.

The rule of law, democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of expression - we cannot take them for granted. They do not exist willy-nilly across the world; they are very rare.

Emotional intelligence is a very important skill set, not just to be happier but also to succeed professionally.

Failure holds the seeds for greatness - so long as you water those seeds with introspection, they can be the root of your success.