What a lot of people don't know is that I got started as a professional gamemaker when I moved out to Texas to join George Broussard and Scott Miller and Allen Blum who created Duke Nukem, to join those guys and become part of the 'Duke Nukem 3D.'

One of the things I wish Sony would do is get behind 'Borderlands,' because I'd love to see a Vita version of the game.

The hallmarks of the 'Brothers in Arms' series are about authenticity, squad combat, brotherhood between soldiers.

When people take risks and it's not rewarded, in the case of 'Mirror's Edge,' it's makes it harder for others to be comfortable taking risks.

I wonder if too frequently publishers and developers are so caught up with going after new, untapped audiences that they can forget to care for the largest, most loyal and reliable audience there is - the current gamer.

As successful as 'Borderlands' is and as much fun as everyone is having going after all the loot and finding and using all the weapons in the game, I often think that we really missed the mark by only doing 87 bazillion guns.

Perhaps 'Borderlands' can be a lesson for all of us - that when making a videogame, we should not be afraid to identify gamers as the audience.

The sequel to 'Aliens' is not a movie, it's a video game. How cool is that? That's how important our industry has become.

I've got a 6,000 square-foot home in Plano that probably costs as much as a three-bedroom house in Van Nuys.

The first-person shooter genre owes itself to 'Duke Nukem.'

Duke Nukem' helped bridge the gap between games designed for adults and what they wanted in their entertainment as adults who also wanted to have fun. 'Duke Nukem' bridged that gap and helped bring those things together. It's one of the reasons it succeeded at the time.

Wired gave 'Duke Nukem Forever' the first Vaporware Award, and then the next year it won No. 1 vaporware again, and then again and again until Wired decided, you know what? 'Duke Nukem' is just going to get the lifetime achievement award for vaporware.

You don't really want to talk about 'Duke' in terms of, how many levels are there, how many guns does it have, how many monsters… It's got everything it needs in terms of that, but it's always been about the experience.

I think I would not be who I am if I did not have experience both as an audience and as a performer in those early days of my career. It taught me what entertainment is all about.

In 'Colonial Marines' you come into the game as a marine, and how you play depends on your equipment and by the choices you're making in real time.

Borderlands' asks you to pick a class, and once you've chosen that character class, you've committed yourself to that game session.

PAX is not a show about retailers, not a show about journalists. It's about players.

We are fortunate that there is a lot of demand on us to deliver our brand of interactive entertainment within the powerful franchises we have at Gearbox Software and the challenge for us is growing to meet this demand.

I've always wanted to ride a sail barge and drive a sand skiff.

When you think of what 'Borderlands 3' should be, it should be massive. It should be bigger and better than 'Borderlands 2.' It should carry forward the story.

We're trending towards the holodeck. Eventually we'll have a system that's indistinguishable from reality.

I've been stealing from the Alien films throughout my entire career.

We decided we were going to do more 'Brothers In Arms,' and we were also going to create something original that no one else was doing, and that's what led to 'Borderlands.'

Teamwork is a significant part of 'Counter-Strike: Condition Zero' and many of the secondary objectives require you to effectively work with your squad.