In 'Condition Zero,' failure has greater consequences and success offers greater rewards.

Most single player games put a lone character against an army that is just standing around waiting for the player to show up and defeat them.

Condition Zero' introduces quite a bit of content and gameplay to 'Counter-Strike' including new weapons, characters, mission types and even new technology to enhance to look and feel of the game.

Of course, the idea that a robot can have a sexual identity is kind of an absurd one.

Borderlands' is a horrific failure if our goal is to entertain the world.

My parents found good paying jobs, educated me and my brother in wonderful public schools, and entered the middle class.

When I was a young child, my parents came to America in search of a better life for them and their family.

I decided to run for Congress to get and keep people in the middle class.

Whenever the Congress represents the increasing diversity of the United States, that's a good thing.

When the chair of an investigating committee refuses to share vital findings or source information with any of his colleagues, his committee's ability to function has been fundamentally undermined.

It is time to investigate Russian interference in our democracy and to address it in a manner that will help restore Americans' trust in their government.

Equality as a principle is at the heart of our democracy.

America works best when we work together to expand the circle of inclusion.

Our country's history is a generation-spanning journey to effectuate the notion that 'all men are created equal' for the members of our ever-expanding national family: women, African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, gays and lesbians, the disabled, immigrants, and refugees.

Cutting tax credits for education and training will result in more Americans working at minimum-wage jobs while U.S. companies go begging for the higher-paid skilled workers they need.

Our best path to economic growth and global competitiveness is to invest in our people - not to provide huge new tax breaks to special interests.

There's another important reason not to send the Dreamers packing: they are essential to preserving the social insurance programs on which older Americans rely.

Illinois is home to a disproportionate share of Dreamers and would suffer a significant economic blow should they be compelled to leave.

Each Dreamer in our country is more than a mere statistic; he or she is a proud American in everything but official documentation.

In truth, ending DACA will cost us tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic activity.

The truth is that searching for our commonality instead of our differences could transform our dysfunctional politics.

Our political system has been bankrupted by the failures of Congress to act in ways that give meaning to the struggles our constituents endure.

In some ways, political decency is a sign of a healthy democracy, but in other ways, it is the cause of it.

Losing access to quality and comprehensive coverage, including for prescription drugs, would be devastating to older Americans.