We have numerous mandirs, gurudwaras, and mosques in my Congressional district and all across the U.S.

When you encounter some form of discrimination or maybe even worse, I urge you to alert others. Regardless of how small the incident is, it has to be brought to the attention of people like me and also the law enforcement agencies.

Step one of the initial process of getting a non-immigrant visa is tough, renewing it is tough, and then transferring from the status of non-immigrant to immigrant or green card is tough. The only process which is easy is the last part of transferring from green card to citizenship, but getting there is quite a journey.

A functioning democracy cannot stand when its people do not trust their leaders to uphold the law.

While U.S. investments in India are growing, we also need Indian investments in America.

I am hopeful that both India and U.S.A. would be able to expand their counter-terror partnership through wider intelligence sharing and effective coordination.

As a party, Democrats must focus on the pocketbook issues that our constituents care about every day when they wake up to go to work, drop off their kids at school, and tuck them into bed at night.

As the son of legal immigrants to America who came from India, I support stronger border security for our nation as well as deporting undocumented immigrants who have committed serious crimes.

Everyone agrees that our immigration system is broken. Building a wall with Mexico isn't going to fix it.

Ultimately, much of the dysfunction in Congress is due to the impact of big money, which drowns out the voices of working families and leads to the special treatment of special interests.

We need to invest in our crumbling infrastructure to create jobs and remain economically competitive.

We need to cut unnecessary weapons programs like the F-35 fighter plane that cost trillions of dollars and don't even work.

Partisan politics is not my passion.

Making Congress into a less crisis-driven institution starts with electing members of Congress who can take the long view.

As the president of a cutting-edge research and development firm, I deal with the development of solutions to long-term national security and renewable energy problems every day and will bring this same perspective to Congress.

A porous border is a danger to America's national security, the people who live near it, and to those who cross it.

I strongly support screening all visitors and potential immigrants thoroughly to prevent bad actors from entering the country.

We cannot afford to balance the budget on the backs of America's middle class and seniors and must do what it takes to strengthen Social Security and Medicare, including enabling the government to negotiate the price of prescription drugs.

My parents climbed their way to the middle class.

If I'm privileged to be elected, I'd be blessed to represent a diverse district, including South Asians and Indian Americans.

In terms of what I wanted to do before I got into politics, I was a businessman. I ran a company that makes and sells infrared night vision military technology and solar technology, so I wanted to grow that company and pursue groundbreaking technology in each of those areas.

Pocketbook and economic issues is pretty much all I campaigned on.

I was always a little skeptical of how voters would react to my name.

So many of our businesses rely on green card holders - how are we supposed to attract these people if they think they'll be detained at the airport if they go abroad for a wedding or just to show their baby to relatives?