If I am elected to Congress, I will put the interests of our community first, and I will actively seek input and respond to it.

In the private sector, as the president of a small business, my focus has been on driving the growth of our business, not driving any partisan political agenda.

When a foreign adversary knows that an American official has deceived or withheld vital information from our government, it creates a fundamental counterintelligence vulnerability that can render that official irreparably compromised.

We must reject the politics of meanness and contempt that increasingly dominate our airwaves and Internet.

Donald Trump will become president even after losing the popular vote in our November elections by a wide margin. To govern effectively, he must appeal to a broader base than what he campaigned on and avoid the divisive rhetoric that alienated so many Americans.

Every night at dinner, my father would say something about the greatness of the United States - and tell us to make sure the government is there for the next people who come along and need it.

Working with a Republican co-sponsor, Rep. Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania, I introduced a bill to strengthen our nation's career and technical education programs and more closely align them with the needs of local businesses and industries.

When our Founding Fathers wrote the historic words 'all men are created equal,' they probably didn't have people like me in mind.

As an immigrant, I am grateful for the tremendous opportunities that this great nation has afforded me and my family. I am also aware of the ongoing challenges that immigrants confront, and understand that respecting law and borders is essential for keeping America strong.

I believe you cannot survive in this global economy without some form of postsecondary education.

I've led programs that have helped thousands of individuals, small businesses, veterans, the disabled, farmers get low-interest loans to prosper.

In the past, leaders of both parties have been able to reach across the partisan divide. They succeeded by retaining their own humanity and recognizing the same in their political opponents.

The most important thing is to recognize that research is our seed corn. It's a national security priority. It's not just a way to have enough going on that graduate students can do their Ph.D.s and scientists can publish. We have to do research, or we'll fall behind the rest of the world.

Americans want Washington to put aside political differences, find common ground, and start producing real economic solutions for the middle class.

In some ways, 'decency' is a hazy concept; we know it when we see it.

A high school diploma will no longer be sufficient. But that post secondary education does not have to be a four-year university or a four-year college. It can be career technical education, vocational education, community college.

When the norm is decency, other virtues can thrive: integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, and trust.

I will not stand for any tax increase for middle class or working Americans. There is no way I will support that.

I'm a product of public schools. They are resource-challenged, and when you take those dollars away from public schools and send them to private schools, you're further starving the system.

China is eating our lunch with regard to renewable energy.

I think it's so important we're a nation of laws but also a nation of immigrants.

I'm an immigrant. I came here when I was 3 months old.

One of the positives of the Illinois delegation is the congressmen and women work together on issues of local concern in a lot of different ways.

When we came to this country, unfortunately, my father lost his job, and we were this close to destitution. We were put on food stamps. We were put in public housing.