Actually, my parents were separated by the time I was about 2 years old.

I had an allowance, but I had to do things around the house to earn it. I think I always wanted my own money.

From the time that I can remember, I worked to make money - either baby-sitting, or one year wrapping gifts at a department store at Christmas, so I could have my own money.

I'm basically a gift-giver.

I've always believed that a goal in life is not to own a boat but have a friend with a boat.

Any brand that attempts to live off a retro appeal is only going through a short second life cycle.

No, I never thought about my father's money as my money.

Try not to be either intimidated by or a captive of jargon. Even though it's language, and language is about communication, it often exists actually to obfuscate and to control power and not to communicate.

We don't fight about money... I hate to see people fight about money.

I don't think about financial success as the measurement of my success.

Facebook is who you used to know; Twitter is who you want to know and things you want to know more about.

There simply isn't a way to do the show without investing in a bunch more companies.

I am retiring from startup investing. It's hard to leave all this behind right when things are going so well.

The Internet is not pervasive as it could be, or democratic.

Twitter can afford to build the wrong things. However, Twitter cannot afford to build the right things too slowly.

All broadcasts on Periscope need to be archived for playback permanently, unless the broadcaster chooses to delete the recording. So many treasured moments have been shared on Periscope only to vanish a day later.

Make tweets effortless to enjoy, make it easier for all to participate, and make each of us on Twitter feel heard and valuable.

I believe there is no natural ceiling on the revenue Twitter can generate. I also believe that Twitter's reach can become more pervasive and its impact on the world more meaningful.

I want to make clear that my feedback comes from a place of loyalty and persistent gratitude. I love Twitter.

You can't necessarily tell when watching at home, but those pitches are usually an hour long each, and many are emotional, hilarious, and inspiring.

I think the institutions, principles, norms, and traditions that make the United States of America genuinely exceptional are at serious risk. It has been hard to think about anything else.

One rule we have at my house is, be proud of what we invest in.

When I think about Trump and the GOP, the blood really is on their hands.

The passive acceptance of exclusionary words and deeds is not okay.