I find talented, driven, boundlessly ambitious people and help them solve problems that will hopefully improve the lives of millions. Sometimes this means investing in startup founders. Other times, it involves helping organize and fundraise for charity or politics.

I don't drink coffee. Weird, I know. But I try to stay away from caffeine. That said, we are investors in Blue Bottle, which is delicious!

Live Twitter can be built right into the main Twitter app, but it should certainly have its own tab so we can concentrate on the live experience free of distraction.

For most people, tweeting is scary.

For most people, Twitter feels lonely.

For most people, Twitter is too hard to use.

Just don't spend your money, and you're well on your way to becoming a millionaire.

People get out ahead of themselves in debt with spending on all of their desires. But if you learn to live pretty simply and well, well under your means, you feel incredibly, incredibly rich, and that frees you up and gives you the option to start something new, to leave the job you're not excited about, where there might be a glass ceiling on you.

When you see a 'Shark fight' erupt, we aggressively want to understand what we are committing our money toward.

I had a blast. 'Shark Tank' embodies the American Dream. If you watch the show at home, you find yourself constantly hollering at the Sharks. Being able to sit next to them and call them out in real time was quite a privilege.

The Sharks step right on each other's questions, and if I ever did that in Silicon Valley, I would be considered a pariah. I literally had to learn how to interrupt.

It would be a lot cheaper for me not to have to raise tens of millions of dollars to elect progressive candidates who will raise my taxes.

The only way I know to be awesome at startups is to be obsessively focused and pegged to the floor of the deep end, gasping for air.

Startup investing is one of my things, but it is not my everything.

You probably know me as a producer for 'This American Life', a top podcast in iTunes.

There is no well-trodden route to where I am, no formula to replicate.

Being a cheap bastard now means so much more freedom and choices later.

How can you build something for someone else if you don't have enough familiarity with them to imagine the world through their eyes?

Silicon Valley today is populated mostly by people who would consider themselves winners of the traditional race. This causes the exclusion of the voices that are vital to a round, robust society. It's beyond gentrification.

The old economy with careers and benefits and pensions is gone. There are scary implications to that.

Planet colonization is not a short term concern of mine. The physical limitations of space travel render it low on the list for me.

It is very hip to be an angel investor now. There used to be a dozen, two dozen guys at these demo days writing checks. Now there are hundreds.

I may be the only shark who hasn't been on QVC, but I have learned a lot from those folks about what it takes to get a product on store shelves.

I really do see the sharks evolving their perspective. In the early days of the show, if you brough them an app, they would've turned their noses up. But now they know how indispensable those apps are, even to their own traditional businesses.