Casino games are the one kind of content that has stood the test of time for decades.

It is possible that Bitcoin will fork at some point. The question is whether or not it'll be a contentious fork. This process is a good thing in the long term, though potentially disruptive in the short term.

Users and entrepreneurs building new business models off the blockchain means that there are competing interests on how best to scale the network. Linux, also an open source software project, had similar growing pains.

I built a supply chain of 400,000 people in China to play games professionally to mine digital currency.

It's often lost in most Silicon Valley startups, the importance of storytelling when most people are thinking about they assemble their team and the critical functions that the team needs to be successful. Storytelling is normally not on the list.

When you start working as an Internet entrepreneur, the world is moving at a million miles an hour and is changing rapidly.

I guess one of the main things you realize when you work as an entrepreneur is that it's long days, long hours.

When you have to start over from scratch, you can do it very differently than if you have this big thing that's kinda been building on top of itself for ages and ages.

The only way to fix Puerto Rico is with brain game, to bring the intellectual and human capital there - in a way that it's done with the right intention.

I'm here on this planet to live in service to humanity.

A unicorn is a community that's positively impacted the lives of a billion people.

The real problem with Puerto Rico is that it keeps losing its best and brightest. It keeps losing its leaders and its future leaders due to a lack of opportunity.

What happened at Mt. Gox is not an isolated incident. This is a plague that continues to play like a bad broken record. As long as this continues to happen, how are we ever going to instill confidence in this industry? How are we better than the old financial system?

Most people heard about Bitcoin for the first time in the context of the Mt. Gox collapse. It is our Lehman Brothers.

I am really surprised bitcoin isn't more popular in India, given the strong gold culture here. I call it Gold 2.0. It has all the attributes other than the fact that it isn't tangible, and tangibility is less important in the digital age.

When the Internet first launched, you had all these newspapers saying that the Internet was only used by bad people, to do bad things and what was the point of it. But the Internet changed everything, just like Bitcoin will.

I care about how many people's lives I've positively impacted. That's the unit of measurement I measure myself by.

A billionaire is someone who can positively impact a billion lives.

Blockchain Capital was the first dedicated venture fund to invest in crypto and blockchain.

Before Blockchain Capital, I was cranking out startups like an incubator.

Historically venture capital funds have only allowed elite investors in.

Blockchain Capital has a global investment mandate so it is very possible that we make an investment in India at some point.

The blockchain is going to change everything more than the Internet has.

The bitcoin/blockchain protocol has never been compromised. Businesses building applications on top of it run the risk of making mistakes.