The video game industry traditionally has been a very male-dominated field. You know, with the advent of the iPhone, the number of women gamers exploded.

My big lesson from Gamergate is asking the men in charge to do the right thing does not work. So we need women, we need people of color in positions of power not just in the game industry but at social media and tech companies and in Congress.

There are some men that are very threatened by the fact that women play games nowadays.

Gamergate is a criminal operation to harass women.

Gamergate taught me that I was stronger than I knew that I was.

Let's not glamorize abuse.

The cost of speaking out is so high for women, I understand why most decide not to.

To stand up to GamerGate, that's my choice. I can't make that choice for the women I work with.

There's a real sense - that we have to get past on the left - that every person who voted for Trump is evil.

It is not a secret that I am a feminist and I have more liberal views and a lot of these GamerGaters have more right-wing views.

To its credit, Twitter is at least making an effort to curb hate speech towards transgender people, training its staff how to respond.

The main thing Twitter needs to focus on are implementing its rules more uniformly. If outing a transgender woman is against Twitter's rules, that needs to be implemented every time.

The tech industry has a strong bias towards technical solutions to social problems.

Unfortunately, I have the equivalent of 7 PhDs in harassment on Twitter. As one of the primary targets of Gamergate, I've had hundreds and hundreds of threats to my life on Twitter's platform.

I am a programmer. If I write code, I don't evaluate the results by what I hope the code will be. I evaluate it by what happens when I compile it. I evaluate it by results.

Anyone can go to 8chan, a website entirely for Gamergaters. You can read what they post about me and other women. It's not just casual sexism, it's angry, violent sexism.

It's not like I'm advocating that we ban 'Call of Duty' or anything silly like that, I'm asking is for companies to look at their hiring practices, to hire more women... and make sure they portray women in their games in a socially responsible way.

I think there is a war on women in technology.

Obviously, whenever the government is getting involved with speech, it gives me a lot of pause. I have a background as a journalist, so that's something that I take very seriously.

For me, especially running for office, being on Twitter is a fundamental part of my job.

For most of 2016 and 2017, I would say probably 90% of my Twitter feed was automated bots sending repetitive messages at me. Someone would basically pay bots to send me messages over and over and over again. It made Twitter nearly unusable.

Gamergate was the proto-alt right.

For any prosecutor, a decision to show leniency in sentencing must be weighed against multiple factors. Do they show remorse for their actions? Are they a threat to the public and law enforcement? Do they intend to contribute to society?

I have an unfortunate history with Ethan Ralph. Like many women in the game industry, I've been doxed by him multiple times.