Never forget this simple truism: Forecasting is marketing, plain and simple.

It is important for investors to understand what they do and don't know. Learn to recognize that you cannot possibly know what is going to happen in the future, and any investment plan that is dependent on accurately forecasting where markets will be next year is doomed to failure.

Have a well-thought financial plan that is not dependent upon correctly guessing what will happen in the future.

History shows us that people are terrible about guessing what is going to happen - next week, next month, and especially next year.

There is a shortage of doctors, and the American Medical Association is aiming to keep it that way.

I don't see anything changing about our desire for quality and fuel efficiency and safety and smart design, no matter what the vehicle size.

It's all about competitiveness: are you making the products that people really do want and value, and are you making it more efficiently and using less resources and less time than the competition?

If you have a common purpose and an environment in which people want to help others succeed, the problems will be fixed quickly.

It's just really important that we have boundaries and guidelines to operate. Our homes, the cars, everything is going to be on the Internet. And so what are the guidelines? What do we want?

Both Boeing and Ford are absolutely committed to safe and efficient transportation.

It was an honor to serve at Boeing on the 777.

It's really important that we have an improvement curve on fuel mileage and CO2 reduction.

With Sync technology, we're seamlessly connected to the Internet, hands-free, and able to focus on the road but also able to handle guidance and navigation and play your music.

The similarities between commercial airplanes and automobiles are striking. It's all about safe and efficient transportation using the latest technology and the best fuel efficiency.

I'm more convinced than when I accepted this job that we can create a viable Ford Motor Co. that makes cars and trucks that people really do prefer. And we can make them using minimum resources and minimum time and be competitive with our competition.

You create value, and you create jobs.

No country is ever successful in the long term... without a really strong and vibrant manufacturing base.

A gas tax could be one important element of an integrated energy policy.

Man, have I become a car guy!

The reason I loved working at Boeing was because I loved the idea of air travel as a way of bringing people and cultures together - because when we come together as people and cultures, we realize that we are not that different after all, and when we realize that we are not that different after all, the world becomes a better place.

I believe America should make things.

I had a great life at Boeing. I'd been there for 37 years and contributed to all the Boeing airplanes as a designer: the 707, 727, 37, 47, 57, 67 and 'triple 7' and the 87.

Having one national standard for mpg and CO2 is extremely important.

If you have to improve your fuel efficiency every year, it leads to innovation.