We've always loved the automobile, and we all love Henry Ford's original vision to open the highways to all mankind, the freedom and movement.

The automobile has moved into the mainstream of our integrated digital world.

What I found over the years is the most important thing is for a team to come together over a compelling vision, a comprehensive strategy for achieving that vision, and then a relentless implementation plan.

Google is really committed to improving everything. So it has been really fun to participate in all of their different moonshots.

The Chinese love Ford's product line: they love the quality, the fuel-efficiency, the safety, the brand.

All of us want to know that we are doing great things, that we are touching a lot of people, and that what we are doing is something bigger than ourselves.

Leadership is having a compelling vision, a comprehensive plan, relentless implementation, and talented people working together.

Consumers want safe and really efficient automobiles.

I was the lead designer and the general manager of the triple 7 and, of course, the dynamite 787.

There's a Ford dealer in every city around the United States. They're the fabric of the community. They're either head of the chamber of commerce or the priest, or I mean they're just the fabric of America, and they took care of us.

My favorite expression is a tag line or an advertising and marketing campaign that Ford ran a number of years ago. They ran it for almost 12 years, and it was, 'Have you driven a Ford lately?'

More and more people realize the importance of economic growth, near-term and long-term in the U.S., and the competitiveness with other countries around the world.

Whatever we do toward energy independence has to be done in the context of using less resources.

If you're going to be world-class, you have to focus.

We don't worry over macro-economic factors when investing, as we are always thinking about the long-term.

When I arrived in Ford, a decision was made to sell many marquee brands. This was because 85 per cent of the sales were from Ford and Lincoln brands. We were clear that for the company's strong future, we needed to focus on the Ford brands.

The A-PAC region is so important, mainly because it is growing much faster than the global average.

There is no reason that America can't compete in a global economy, and I love being one small proof point in that.

I love hanging out with skilled and motivated people.

It's all about producing products people want.

I can remember the first time I tried to drive into the garage of the world headquarters of Ford in a Camry. It was almost like they wouldn't let me in. They said, 'Why do you want to do that?' I said, 'Because we are going to make the best cars in the world, and we need to know everything about the competitor's car.'

I drive a different car every night.

When work is what you love to do, it's not work - it's serving.

Nothing will ever have the impact that 9/11 had on Boeing and on the world. It just changed things overnight.