Ford is committed to building a sustainable future for the benefit of all Americans, and we believe Ford is on the right path to achieve this vision.

Think about just exceeding expectations of every job you're being asked to do. Continually ask for feedback on how it's going. Ask everybody involved what you can do to do an even better job, and the world will beat down your door trying to ask you to do more and more.

Don't manage your career. Follow your dream and contribute.

I've been very fortunate to be part of projects that are really big and broad.

The more senior your management position is, the more important it is to connect the organization or the project to the outside world. You know, how does this fit in with what we're doing? What is the real goal, the real mission?

There is a great market for cars in the United States - as Honda and Toyota have proven.

Ability is all right but if it is not backed up by honesty and public confidence you will never be a successful person. The best a man can do is to arrive at the top in his chosen profession. I have always maintained that one profession is deserving of as much honor as another provided it is honorable.

People that pay for things never complain. It's the guy you give something to that you can't please.

Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth.

I go too fast to see much, only the tops of everything. I've got to prowl slow some time through this country.

When you are satisfied, you are successful. For that's all there is to success is satisfaction.

I guess there is no two races of people in worse repute with everybody than the international bankers, and the folks that put all those pins in new shirts.

The bankers just got a good cussing by everybody for loaning too much money. Well, they got some awful nice buildings. So when a banker fails, he fails in splendor.

You have a wonderful organization. I understand you have ten thousand here. And if you count the ones in the various federal prisons, it brings your total membership up to around thirty thousand.

You could transfer Congress over to run Standard Oil or General Motors, and they would have both things bankrupt in two years.

Just been talking today out here to all the Senators investigating these stock swindles and overcapitalizations. There has been hundreds of millions lost. There ought to be some form of guardianship for people that buy all this junk. Education won't do it. The buyers are the ones we have educated up till they are just smart enough to fall for everything that comes along.

I am always going to do my best, no matter where I am.

You can take any line of business and skill and the ones who do it the best are the ones who get the most money for it.

It's no laughing matter being a Republican in these perilous times. Anyone can be a Republican when the stock market is up, but when stocks are selling for no more than they're worth, I tell you, being a Republican - it's a sacrifice.

I am a great believer in high-priced people. If a thing cost a lot it may not be any better, but it adds a certain amount of class that the cheap thing can never approach; in the long run it's the higher-priced things that are the cheapest.

If your time is worth anything, travel by air. If not, you might just as well walk.

You could be the World's greatest orator and if you don't say anything while orating, they are going to walk out on you after a while.

Say, this new home building idea of President Hoover's sounds good. They are working out a lot of beneficial things. The only thing is it took 'em so long to think of any of 'em. We ought to have plans in case of depression, just like we do in case of fire, 'Walk, don't run, to the nearest exit.'