The lack of livelihood opportunities in refugee camps pushes many people to embark on dangerous journeys in the quest for a better life.

Connecting small and medium-sized businesses to international markets can create work for host country nationals alongside refugees, building economic growth and resilience in host communities.

Skills development as a means to income generation is the key to integrate vulnerable migrants into the mainstream of society and to equip them for an eventual return home.

The unfolding migratory crisis has become one of the most acute challenges facing the international community. Millions of lives are at stake. All of us have a responsibility to act. Collectively, we need to find solutions.

Often, people wonder if she can give the time required at work, given also her responsibilities at home. So a woman has to prove her worth over and over again each time she's given a new responsibility, especially when she is at junior to mid-level positions.

Once you have set the goal, give your staff the space to get there. If you micromanage, you will be able to do very little.

I believe in discussing very thoroughly what should be the goal. When discussing it, I allow others to give their views.

India has a very young population which is comfortable doing business on a screen than do it one on one with a banking executive. They want quick fulfilment of desires, and may not have the time to go to a bank to get things done. Many of them are comfortable working from home.

Things have their own pace, and if we work with that pace and anticipate the issues correctly, we can have good results.

If you look at the international markets, for projects that are capital-intensive, the minute the construction phase is completed and production is supposed to start, normally all these loans get refinanced.

PSU banks are sole lenders to capital-intensive firms.

If a woman is financially independent, she can definitely make a bigger contribution in making big decisions and contribute much more. If a woman is financially independent, she can pursue her interests, too.

Children should be taught in school that you should have all kinds of asset classes in your portfolio. They should be taught what those asset classes are, and their advantages and disadvantages.

I have met a lot of women who are good at math.

It is only after you are able to stand on your own feet, or have the confidence that you can stand on your own feet, should you look at doing things such as marriage or setting up a family.

When interest rates are coming down, you cannot have high margins.

Even for the people in the bank into which the other banks are merging, they also have a lot of apprehension. There is always an apprehension that opportunities will go down. There are apprehensions of displacement. Many of these apprehensions are unfounded.

In any merger, the biggest challenge is always integration of human resources because the people who are coming in have a lot of apprehension.

Our huge infrastructure that we need for keeping cash is very expensive.

Cash is not cheap. The physical infrastructure is not easy to maintain and cheap.

If you want to deemphasise cash, then people should not only have an incentive for going digital but also a disincentive for doing cash.

As demand goes down, you will see prices come down.

What needs to be done is that the digital initiatives that we had started, that those get the same kind of focus, and that we now disincentivize the use of cash. If you're going to slide back into the ways that we had before this demonetization impact, then you really won't get the benefits.

Those who claim that they need cash because they are unable to pay labourers are those who are not paying minimum wages.