Digital is the only way to get rid of corruption and unaccounted cash.

Some amount of support from government and regulator is required when you are looking at resolving systemic issues.

You can't merge six banks and think that nothing will happen.

If you are satisfied, you will never see any more progress. One remains dissatisfied, but that doesn't mean that things are not happening.

If you start from the farm sector, we need much better investments and capital creation on land. We need logistics support; we need cold chain and processing capability. We need proper pricing at various stages to ensure that the producers are not left out in the value-chain.

A maturing process, and growth, is always painful. You ask any teenager, they will tell you, and it's just like that for the country. We need to grow; we need to evolve.

You cannot take bank interest rates very sharply down: you will lose your deposit franchise.

ATM is still a cash channel; we want to migrate it to the digital channel.

One of my main agenda right from the beginning has been cost rationalization, and we have done a lot of cost rationalization.

You have to go to war with a sword and a shield. You cannot go to war with bare hands.

People are used to cash, and getting them out of that is going to be a long and tough exercise.

Why should a country have to take on itself a huge burden of managing a totally cash economy?

Cash imposes a huge burden. We don't understand it, as it is not immediately visible. It is a huge burden on society.

Because SBI is so large, serving customers in India's big cities and small rural villages alike, it has a pressing need for better tools and technology to monitor lending risks.

When borrowers anticipate that politicians might cancel their loans, they stop paying.

Waiving debts corrupts the credit culture.

Demonetisation is a disinflationary process. So, this will bring down prices in the long run. It will also help in bringing down interest rates.

Until you get your reputation made, you have to work twice as hard... there is always a doubt in your superior's mind as to whether you will put family before your job.

When it comes down to business, everybody is very businesslike... I have never felt any difficulty in dealing with any of these situations.

If you go to any boardroom... the women are, by far, outnumbered by the men.

To tell you the truth, if you're looking at rising pretty high, then you need to find a way of taking care of these problems and not taking time off. At the end of the day, it is a very tough competition. And in a very tough competition, if you just take breaks, then it's going to become much, much more difficult.

I am happy to be running a public sector bank. In times of stress, most people will always have an account with us, so, to the extent that it gives stability and faith for the people and because banking is a business of trust, it is a major advantage we have.

We keep saying, 'No more 'band aid' solutions.'

We are present in all areas, and our products are the best.