If information wants to be free, then that's true everywhere, not just in information technology.

The accomplishment of open source is that it is the back end of the web, the invisible part, the part that you don't see as a user.

Architecture is politics.

It became clear to me by 1984 that Microsoft was likely going to be the big winner in the PC software apps and operating system category, partly because of the dynamics of owning and controlling the operating system: that gave you enormous power, and I came to see Bill Gates was fierce competitor.

Hackers are seen as shadowy figures with superhuman powers that threaten civilization.

Inside every working anarchy, there's an Old Boy Network.

Human intelligence is a marvelous, subtle, and poorly understood phenomenon. There is no danger of duplicating it anytime soon.

What is design? It's where you stand with a foot in two worlds - the world of technology and the world of people and human purposes - and you try to bring the two together.

Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.

Consumers are looking for experiences, whether that's travel, whether that's entertainment. They're looking for differentiated products, things that are going to have meaning.

Imagining what the possibilities are versus what is right in front of me has been the second biggest factor in defining my career.

I never want anything to be too predictable.

In addition to showing our customers what to wear, we also educated them on how to wear it by launching The Closet and utilizing the beauty bar, where our style experts provided videos with tips to educate and inspire.

It's good to have a goal.

If you are not diverse, you are saying, 'I don't want to be successful.'

When I got my first VP title at 26, my parents finally stopped asking when I was going to get my law degree.

HSN is uniquely positioned to present the seamless connection between media and commerce.

At HSN, the experience we create are a significant point of differentiation.

At HSN, entertainment has quickly become a core part of who we are and is a key differentiator from others in the retail landscape.

HSNi's performance gained momentum throughout 2014 as we executed on our strategic priorities across our business, by strengthening our customer file, optimizing our digital platform, and differentiating HSNi and our brands at content-rich, immersive commerce destination.

The ultimate goal is to give somebody something that they didn't know they wanted, but once they saw it, they had to have it.

If you think about a business where uncertainty is an anathema, it's around consumer spending, and it's around retail.

What I've been saying to people is, you need to think about mobile as your new flagship. It's the place everybody goes to first.

We really see the future of what we call 'distributed commerce,' so how we get our content, our products, and our brands to consumers.