The proof is in the results, and the proof will be in the ongoing ability to execute.

I've honed in on three questions that I ask myself when I'm evaluating where to spend my time. Is this something that I'm passionate about, is it purposeful, and will I have impact? And if I can't answer 'yes' to all three questions, then I have to sit back and ask, 'Is it really that important?'

Through our effective campaign-management strategies, we're seizing opportunities to capture additional insights on customer behaviors, allowing us to reach and communicate with them more effectively.

I believe that if you don't disrupt yourself, you will be disrupted by someone else.

I've learned not to let people judge me in how I want to live my life. Every single woman is an individual, and there's no one path. You just have to take the path that you think is right for you.

I've worked for some amazing leaders, and I've worked for the opposite, and that gave me the perspective of what I knew I never wanted to be, and the perspective of what had lasting, sustainable impact.

I've not been afraid to take risks, be resolute and passionate about purpose, and inspire people to do things that maybe they thought weren't possible.

I never bet against anyone. If people do something that has a true purpose, and they do it with boldness, I root for them.

It's OK to not have all the answers, and in fact, the more extraordinary people you are able to surround yourself with, the better you will become.

My first Weight Watchers meeting was when I was 14 years old on Long Island, and I went there with my mother. I'd gained that adolescent weight and wanted to try out for cheerleading... I lost the weight, tried out, and made the cheerleading team.

I don't care what we're quote-unquote selling; we're about inspiring people through storytelling.

People don't follow a leader but follow a vision - a vision of what the future looks like and how their work helps them along that path.

Our assimilation efforts are based on building long-term relationships and value with our customers, and the success of these efforts is measured partly by our ability to stimulate customers to make a second purchase within 90 days.

I've always had a philosophy that position doesn't define power. Impact defines power. What impact are you making on people? What impact are you making on business?

It seemed like I woke up one morning and had an epiphany. I thought, 'I cannot do this. I do not want to get married. And I'm not going to law school - it just doesn't excite me. I'm not wasting anybody's money. I'm going to move to New York.'

HSNi Cares was established in 2010 with a mission to empower women and support children and families in need locally, nationally, and globally.

I'm a love-it-or-hate-it person. I don't waffle.

Women must do a better job of supporting each other. However, real change will happen when both men and women unite to demand diversity.

When we are caught up in the nature of our work and are asked to take on another job or position, rarely do we step back and ask ourselves, 'What do I really want to do? What is it at this point in my career and life that is important to me?'

I believe in accessibility. I believe in honesty and a culture that supports that. And you can't have that if you're not open to receiving feedback.

If you throw the pebble in the pond and the rings start circulating that much wider, you've done things and created things for people that they didn't think they'd ever be able to do. That excites me.

Value can mean a price. Value can mean exclusivity. Value can mean, 'I can't get it anywhere else, and this is really something I want.'

If you intend to do the right thing for yourself, your family, and for your business, it becomes more like a balancing act. It's juggling - and accepting the fact that it won't always be perfect will help you better manage the inevitable ebbs and flows.

By leveraging technology, innovation, and the power of community, Weight Watchers will be able to realize the full growth potential of the business.