I want every pillow shipped out the day we get the order.

Business owners are responsible for themselves.

I'm giving people hope because I just put it all out there.

Addiction's some kind of disease? No, it's not. It's a mask for pain that usually comes from childhood and fatherlessness.

Addicts are hard workers.

I'm all about second chances.

I spent a lot of time in Minneapolis.

I want to see unity in Minnesota.

I didn't think politics had anything to do with our daily lives. I had never voted. Well boy I know now.

Every success story in this country was because of capitalism. Everything we're doing. Look at my story. It couldn't be done.

There have been many attacks on my company.

I can't help that we help people so much.

I'm on all the channels. I'm on every channel. Not just Fox. I'm even on the channels that attack me all the time.

I got a story to tell.

I enjoy it. I don't run from it. I like talking to people.

So many people worry about something that never actually happens and you spend all your time worrying and living in fear.

MyPillow believes all lives matter and values all our employees and customers, treating them like family.

I make all my advertising decisions based on what is best for my customers and my employees.

It's common sense. Here's a problem, here's a solution. What will it manifest to? This drives me every day.

We've lost common sense.

I just see things that are so poorly run, and they could be done a lot better. It might come down to, 'if you want something done right, do it yourself.'

Donald Trump proved you need a businessman to run things, not just someone who is a career politician. I'm sorry, but to me what do they know?

Anything that hits us, with God all things are possible, and we get through by the grace of God.

We are the greatest nation in the world.