There's three things that are never good for a consumer mindset: uncertainty certainly, concern, and discordance.

We're not trying to be Amazon, all things to all people.

We have a highly specialized customer and want to give her the best experience somewhere she can trust.

If you go up on a mountain and scream about change, you better make sure you're ready for people to come.

Our partnership with Disney included a two-hour Cinderella list takeover that features supermodel Coco Rocha's first-ever fashion collection, which incorporated behind-the-scenes footage and interviews to support her HSN debut.

Our destination programming allows us to put a stake in the ground and create a showy tweak that is story driven, with products that are inspiring to our customers, and the content doesn't expire at the end of the show but continues to live on in various formats on multiple distribution platforms.

We are continuing to collaborate with Disney on future films and other opportunities.

We are increasingly using social media to drive both engagement and commerce. And because we are a commerce platform that integrates content, we believe we have a unique opportunity to make up a high button, a relative factor in social.

Everybody is talking about cord cutting. It's not about the cord. It's the content.

Our ability to create that one-on-one engagement with a customer is a point of differentiation and a strategic advantage for us.

I am thrilled to join Weight Watchers and lead the next phase of the company's transformation.

I firmly believe in the old adage 'Actions speak louder than words.' This means proactively seeking women for roles within boards, identifying opportunities for diversity within teams, and finding ways to use your platform to mentor women - and then encourage them to do the same.

When I first started at HSN, I knew that retailers would have to be poised to take advantage of technology and the rapidly changing ways in which people shop. It was one of the things that drew me to the company.

I get as excited walking around a CVS as I do walking around in Bergdorf's.

Ultimately, the ability to inspire people to live healthier and happier lives is what excites me both personally and professionally.

We all work really hard, and we do it because we're passionate. We don't do it because we're being rated. However, we'd all be remiss if we didn't think that some kind of recognition for efforts and accomplishments didn't make you feel good.

All children, regardless of their income, ethnicity, or geography have the right to be protected and be given the opportunity to reach their full potential, which is why our global HSNi Cares partner is the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

I've been 35 lbs. heavier than I am now and 25 lbs. thinner than I am now, and both of those times were probably the most miserable times of my life. I'm happier now, because it is about being healthy, not weighing yourself.

When people want to lose weight, they get to a point where they are desperate and looking for the new thing that is going to work miracles. But at the end of the day, there is no such thing.

We have to focus on what we can do. It has to be about experience; it has to be about unique product. It has to be about delivering our content as broadly as we can, and that's been a huge effort on our part.

We are always focused on how can we differentiate ourselves. In today's world, where people are gravitating toward experiences, it is even more important.

I'm willing to lose profits in the short term.

I believe you have to get rid of toxicity in any company. Don't care how smart, how talented, how long they have been there. If someone is going to create a toxic environment, you have to make a change.

I started at HSN in May of 2006, and by October, we had rolled out a new brand image, a new tagline, a new vision statement, a new customer manifesto, and new advertising.