I come from a past of addition, so I didn't pay much attention to politics.

I'm going to do what God wants me to do.

If God had me run for something, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I had this vivid dream and woke up and I wrote the 'MyPillow' logo all over the house.

As the inventor of MyPillow, I have been a proponent of American-made products for decades.

God's given me a gift to be able to put people in the right position, where their strengths are!

I actually had a dream, which I believe is right from God, about My Pillow.

I would ruin my credibility if I put my stamp of approval of anything I didn't do my due diligence on.

I had a very weird, very vivid dream. Donald Trump and I were in some kind of room. It was an office with pictures on the wall behind us, and we were standing next to each other posing for a picture.

I live in the same town I grew up in and all my kids have worked for me and now, I have grandkids and now, it's amazing. They came through. They all played a part in my business and that's pretty amazing.

I give media outlets my direct number.

99.999% of everything you worry about doesn't even come true anyway.

Twice I got thrown out of casino, literally thrown out by my feet thrown through the front door when I thought I had caught a cheater one night.

If you make every pillow like it's your only pillow, and every customer like it's your only customer, I mean, that's an amazing concept.

We take such good care of our employees. What I do is think about what I would want my employer to be like. We started helping our employees with every facet of their lives, and our HR problems went from A to Z in reverse.

You keep the faith, and with God, all things are possible.

You know, my sister, she does my hair, and she says, 'Why don't you try changing your hairstyle?' And I go, 'I like it. Why would I change something I like?'

I started out with a carpet-cleaning business. Then I had a lunch wagon business, where you pull up and serve food. Then I had bars and then restaurants.

Most pillows are air supported; the air goes out of them, and then your cervical nerves get bent.

When I smell pho, I just automatically think of my mom. All these nostalgic feelings and memories come rushing through my head.

My mother would work 14 hours, and she'd come home, and she'd just get right into cooking... she wanted to make sure my brother, my sister and I had food in our bellies.

Most people think of me as a makeup guru, but might be surprised to know I'm also a trained artist and a huge comic book fan.

I see videomaking as an art - it's not a process for me.

It's a deeper connection when you meet someone online and talk to them every day.