Emilia Clarke is someone I'm very close to, like a sister, and I love her very much.

I'm a huge art buff.

Both my parents were painters.

I've done a lot of dumb things in my life.

I'm raised to actually think, to use my brain.

I'm not a big fan of just doing weights. Anything more physical is infinitely better.

I think I was pretty reckless and definitely a bit out of control. Now, I'm more focused.

If I had a horse of my own that I loved and fed and knew me, it would be amazing.

I'm just gonna make art myself. I have a lot of ideas of things I wanna do and really talented people and friends I'm around, so we decided to make our own thing and set out to do it.

There's a bunch of stuff I want to learn. Instead of waiting around on set all day, I'd rather be learning something cool.

If you're too disciplined, it can mess up your mind. You need to have that treat for yourself.

I couldn't get a job to save my life. That's why I wrote 'Road to Paloma.' That got into Sundance and got into that scene, and that's how I got the role in 'The Red Road.'

The reason why I wanted to direct is because there are personal stories that I want to tell, but also because I love every part of movie making - from the wardrobe to the set decoration to cinematography.

I was a snowboard bum and a climbing bum.

I'm not really tough.

My favorite movie is 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.'

Swimming can be boring. To me, it's like going on a treadmill.

My wife says to do the dishes, and I'm like, 'Yes, baby. I can clean up.'

I watch action movies, and you don't remember when Jason Statham does a kick or punch. It's character trait stuff you remember.

I want to be remembered as, I hope, an amazing husband and a great father.

Being raised in Iowa, I know what a cornfield does for me, and I wanted to have that same kind of feeling for the Ramapo Mountains.

If you're in a small town somewhere and you can go and visit Paris, you can go to the top of Everest, that's just cool. It's worth it because you become more educated in something.

I got called 'pretty boy' my whole life.

I'm half Hawaiian and the haka is a very sacred thing, something your family teaches you - my father taught me.