I get up at 5 A.M., and I train hard. I've got two young children, so I have to get up early. But I like it.

Everything has technique to it. So if there's something you wanna try out, I think it's always good to get a trainer or listen to people who know what they're doing.

My wife's trying to get me into yoga, and it's gonna take me a while, but eventually I'm gonna have to.

I don't think a lot of people are calling me to play doctors and lawyers, which is fine with me. I can put a suit on, but I don't really like to.

As far as getting work, no one thought I spoke English. It was absolutely ridiculous. I'd show up at a meeting and they'd be like, 'Oh my God, you speak English! That's so cool.' They didn't really know what to do with me.

I grew up with artists.

I go train, and like with Conan, I'm in leather, and with Drogo, I'm in leather or armor or something else. I'm not in my adidas sweat suit or my matching tracksuit pants to go work out. I got too busy of a day. I've got my boots.

I love life and if there's something that I'm playing that I love, I'll research it.

When I did play team sports, I was into soccer and hockey. I loved hockey. And then rock climbing became the thing that got me out of Iowa, and I traveled the world for rock climbing. I really loved the, I guess you would say, dirtbag lifestyle of not eating much and traveling the world and slipping into different cultures and just observing.

I'm one of those freaky people that actually reads books.

I just love stories, and I love movies, learning and seeing the world. Growing up in Iowa, it was like, you wanna see the world? Movies can help you do that.

In my man cave, I have tomahawks, throwing knives, and old black-bear furs. There's skulls, weapons everywhere.

I grew up rock climbing.

I'm a father, a son, and a grandson, and if anyone messed with my wife, mom, or grandmother, and if the law didn't care about it, what would I do? Would I be defined by that action?

For 'Conan,' I had to eat boiled chicken breast and work out all the time and basically eat like a bird every two hours and stay ripped.

I love carbs, but denial is good training for the mind.

I always loved samurai movies, and I wanted to incorporate that whole level of elegance and just the code of the samurai to 'Conan.'

I'm sure all actors have trouble. The guy who always plays the funny guy, he wants to be taken seriously. And there's the action guy who wants to do serious stuff. Everyone's grass is greener.

When I found out more about the Maori culture, I fell in love with it, and with the people, too.

This is a unique legal loophole in the U.S.: If a non-native comes on a reservation and commits any crime, the non-native should be prosecuted by a federal court. Tribal law can arrest and hold someone for a year, but tribal law cannot prosecute non-natives. So since the federal courts are so overloaded, some of the cases get tossed out.

We don't own a TV. My kids are always outdoors.

I've got kids, goats. My wife always wanted a donkey, so I bought her one.

You get a lot of respect for 'Game of Thrones,' and it was a lot of fun to play, but it didn't help my career a lot because Khal Drago doesn't even speak English.

I'm a big kid, you know?