My son loves swords and shields and dragons.

When you're just an actor, you do your role, and then you're in your trailer. It's not as hands on as when you're directing. You live and breathe it.

I'm not going to normally get hired to play those emotional things, and I'm capable of it. I was raised by a single mother in Iowa - I'm just trapped in a big, dumb body.

I'm a Batman fan from Day 1. My daughter's favorite is Wonder Woman, and my son loves The Flash, Cyborg, and Superman.

I'm kind of ADD in that sense where if I start liking something, I'll just learn it to the absolute max.

Both my parents are artists, so that just makes me look at everything slightly different. I listened to different music; I dressed differently. So I kind of grew up without following the pack.

When I got 'Stargate: Atlantis,' I said, 'Man, I'd love to be on HBO.'

'Game of Thrones' is the greatest thing I've ever been a part of.

After 'Game of Thrones,' having a character like that, that's like the pinnacle of your career.

I saw Frank Frazetta's art, and it seared on my memory. I love his paintings. They're so amazing.

I'm a big wuss, and not the king in the least. My wife is.

I would love to do comedy.

I was raised by a strong single mother.

You paint something, and it's yours. It's your heart up on the wall.

I've led a career of having to take work to see my family, over picking and choosing, instead of 'I need food on the table and I don't know how I'm going to pay the mortgage.'

There's a lot of things I would definitely go to bat for in Hawaii. I've been all over that stuff. If someone told me to be quiet about that because of my profession, no. That's my people.

Whenever I wake up, I'm up. I don't lie there like an idiot. I get up, run up a hill, get some exercise, and have some time with my thoughts.

I was born in Hawaii, but I was raised in Iowa.

When I'm by myself, I'm really cool and nice to everyone, but then the whole paparazzi thing? If you see me with my kids, I change.

I grew up with a single mother, and I wasn't out shooting too many guns.

My wife's Lisa Bonet. I'm a very lucky man.

The truth is we're all searching. We're all looking for guidance, for mentors, and I'm by no means someone to follow.

I don't mind standing up for what I believe in.

There's a couple of things you shouldn't do to other humans and you shouldn't say to other humans that Khal Drogo does.