I've never done drag, but I'd love to try it.

For many gay and bisexual men of color, economic inequalities add to the pernicious effects of oppression and homophobia.

So often, we take photos on our iPhone, and then they're gone in a year, and we don't even remember them. I like to experience life and disconnect from that.

What does culture mean? It's not a physical thing. I love a museum, but that, for me, doesn't make you a better person.

I can be walking down the street, and someone will stop me and ask me for one of my hugs. They feel like I'm their friend, which I love - though sometimes my kids get a little weirded out by it.

Encourage your friend and family member who are queer parents of color to post their stories and share it with the world. It's time for us to be seen.

As one of the first African-Americans to be out on a reality program, MTV's 'The Real World: Philadelphia,' I understand the courage it takes to live your truth on a national platform, the importance it holds to LGBT communities of color, and the power it has to create a greater conversation within American culture.

The marginalization of African-Americans within their own community based on sexuality is a construct that is more complex than the idea that 'blacks just hate gays.'

Often, men forget to buy their grooming supplies.

I don't like the term 'coming out' because it gives the power to the other person.

Every show I've been on, my kids pay no attention. They're just like, 'Who cares. It's just dad's job.'

We all are scared. First of all, as a culture, we're constantly told that if you start to express yourself or express your needs, you're needy. You're too emotional. And they put all these negative connotations on it. That has started since we were kids, especially for men.

The challenges of me being a father are just the same as any other father.

My favorite job, and definitely the one that means the most to me, is 'Queer Eye.'

Fatherhood is an honor, and men should be strong enough to step up to the plate.

Hollywood, at the bottom of it, is about money.

In our country, being from immigrant parents, growing up black in the South, coming out at 16 years old, being a teen parent... you would assume that my life would amount to nothing. And here I stand today. So, if I can do it... you can, too!

I was a social worker most of my life while raising my two boys.

My main thing is obviously mental health and well-being, and then my second passion would be politics; the third would be fashion.

I want a big wedding.

What defines someone as a 'man' should not be the clothes they wear or how deep their voice is. It should be the content of his character, his strength in the face of overwhelming adversity, and his ability to still love and help others when the world has turned its back on him.

We, as communities that are marginalized, need to open up our minds and realize that we should be asking and advocating for more of everyone. Let's get more gay black men; let's get more trans women.

By no means am I excusing homophobic rap lyrics, but as a product of the same environments that birthed hip-hop, I fully understand why those lyrics existed.

I think dating apps are keeping us apart.