I think it's just so important that parents actually really study the apps on the phones and figure out what's going on.

Parents don't even know what's going on on Snapchat.

That's the beauty of 'Queer Eye' coming back. No matter how far you think we've come as a society, there's still work that needs to be done.

Love is love, and people need to just accept that.

Even when you look at, like, movies with some of our famous celebrities, they don't really cry and bring out their tears until, like, forced.

We must do our part to make ourselves visible to the world. Let everyone see that being a queer parent of color is normal and happening right next door to them.

Really, I think the extra layer of raising a son as a gay black man comes from trying to raise a son who doesn't subscribe to masculine stereotypes.

Any parent who says parenting came easily to them is not being honest with themselves. Parenting is hard.

Yes, I would definitely let the 'Queer Eye' - I mean, cameras - follow me for my marriage.

The perpetuation of family and cultural pressures to conform to prescribed masculine behaviors is what creates social isolation and distress in many young gay and trans people of color.

I always encourage people to get out there, travel the world, see new things, experience new people, experience new food, experience new culture. What happens is that helps you to grow and be your best self.

We have to start making sure that churches start to talk about... black queerness in a way that's affirming. Because a lot of young black men are in the church, and that's where they start to learn this self-hate behavior.

I own about 70 L.A. Dodgers snapbacks in different colors.

My father loved me and was devoted to me until he knew I was gay, and then our relationship went south. So I always make sure that I let my sons know that I will love them, no matter what they do or who they become, for the rest of their lives.

I was on MTV's 'Real World' at the time when 'Queer Eye' came out. I remember, the first time I won an award, I got the award, and they were like, 'It's a tie! With 'Queer Eye!'' I never thought that I would one day follow in their footsteps.

Most of the time, people are afraid of silence, and I'm not.

Historically, hip-hop is about a generation of artists rapping about the realities they see in their neighborhoods or the 'truths' they hear growing up in their homes.

It's been more than a decade since 'The Real World: Philadelphia' aired. I've grown up. My views have evolved, as has the media landscape.

My goal has always been to help as many people as I can.

I have such a deeper respect for firemen knowing how much they get paid and how much they put themselves on the line.

The worst thing about our political system is that people debate; I wish our politicians were able to talk to each other rather than scream while trying to gain sound bites.

There's a lot of 'how to adopt' books, but there's no practical resource for, say, school supplies.

Meghan Trainor is my female crush because she's just fierce.

Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength.