"Religion can be anything! But true Christianity is God coming to man in a personal relationship."

"Man suppresses the truth, mixes it with error, and develops the religions of the world."

"[Christians] are commanded to warn the nations of the world that they must repent and turn to God while there is yet time."

"Idolatrous beliefs have eroded the foundations of truth. Whether ancient or modern, all have posed alternatives to the biblical way of approaching God."

"The Bible tells us that the state of the world will grow darker as we near the end of the age."

"God promises no easy life or days without troubles, trials, difficulties, and temptations. He never promises that life will be perfect. He does not call His children to a playground, but to a battleground."

"For centuries mankind has been on an incredible journey, taking him across every generation and through every conceivable experience in his search for God."

"Today . . . when Satan worship is increasing at an alarming rate, we had better be aware of him, his origin, his aims, his abilities, and his limitations."

"Many people have just enough natural religion to make them immune to the real thing."

"The Bible differentiates clearly between true faith and mere religiosity."

"We need to fortify ourselves with the Word of God."

"Don’t argue with [a professor], but test everything he says in the light of God’s Word."

"I’m not a great preacher, and I don’t claim to be a great preacher . . . I’m an ordinary preacher, just communicating the Gospel in the best way I know how."

"Without the resurrection, the cross is meaningless."

"Jesus tells us not to be misled by the voices of strangers. There are so many strange voices being heard in the religious world of our day. We must compare what they say with the Word of God."

"Preachers are not salesmen, for they have nothing to sell. They are bearers of Good News."

"God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. The weaker I became, the more powerful became the preaching."

"Preach with authority. The authority for us is the Word of God. Preach with simplicity . . . Preach with urgency . . . heaven and hell are at stake. Preach for a decision."

"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles."

"God’s followers need to know the truth He sets forth in His Word so that we can confidently discern between His truth and Satan’s lies."

"As long as Satan is loose in the world and our hearts are dominated by his evil passions, it will never be easy or popular to be a follower of Christ."

"We . . . do not cease to pray for you. COLOSSIANS 1:9"

"In John 6 we read that when great multitudes went after Him, He told them three times that unless they were willing to pay the price, they could not be His followers."

"Our relationship must be right with God before it can be right with man."