The more focused you are, the more powerful you will be in the long run.

I realized that my purpose really is to inspire people.

I don't think I knew what 'Vogue' was as a child. I grew up in a little town in Tennessee, so that wasn't something we ever would think of.

I have to buy three of everything. It doesn't make any sense, but I have to. I'm worried I might lose it, and if I lose it, then I have a backup and then I have a backup to my backup.

Being happy, being healthy, is the most important thing.

I'm not on my phone when I eat.

I definitely understand a lot of what I want and what I don't want. I'm very clear on that, and I think that's been very beneficial.

Going to school and formal education wasn't all that impactful to me, but it was the people that I met at school that really made such a difference.

I need to love what I do, because I'm going to give 110 percent. I'm going to be working from 6 in the morning until 10 P.M., so I need to make sure I like it.

We know now data is so powerful, and you can learn so much about yourself and creating product with data.

I get Botox and fillers; I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

I feel like I've mixed my Middle Eastern and Western loves together.

I think my story relates. When I started out, all I had was my passion and grit.

As long as I can be physically healthy, I don't mind being curvy.

Fun gets people going; fun gets people excited.

I like things on my desk that are pretty and make a statement. It's important that whatever is on my desk inspires me because that's where I spend a lot of my time working and creating things.

I'm so in love with Chanel's perfume bottles. I grew up seeing my mom use Chanel No. 5, so it's quite sentimental to me.

Anytime I think about my office, I think about creativity.

We didn't grow up superwealthy.

I can understand getting compared to the Kardashians.

To start my makeup, I like to put a nice amount of foundation on, and it's really important that it's not oily so it actually sticks to the skin.

Kids used to tell me I was weird all the time. When I got older, I wanted to embrace my name and I put it on everything. And I also wanted to embrace being weird.

A lot of people don't always know how successful our brand is and we don't ever talk about it. But it's exciting to see the brand resonate so well with people.

Being women behind a massively growing business is not an easy task, and the journey to find the right investors and to secure true partners has proven that.