With Huda Beauty Angels, we're investing a portion of our personal family wealth to women-led brands that we believe in!

I want to shake things up, I want people to talk about it. It's really important that our brand flips the industry upside.

Huda Beauty is doing so well, we've grown like crazy.

I wake up at 6 A.M. and start with yoga. I'm by no means a morning person, but I've trained myself to become one. My husband wakes up at 4:30 A.M., so he makes me feel like a loser. When you wake up and no one is in the bed, it kind of gets you up.

I would never buy skin care from a makeup brand - full transparency. It feels like the opposite of makeup.

I've been put in multiple boxes as blogging and as an influencer and not really perceived as a businesswoman, and that's something that I've really had to grow into.

We think big and we dream big.

I always felt like a misfit.

In the Middle East, I can't walk down the street without being recognized. In the States, I'm totally fine going out.

Long-lasting makeup is all in the setting! I always bake in areas where I am prone to shininess and I find it really helps for keeping my skin looking great all evening.

I grew up in Tennessee, where no one was really hairy, and with sisters who were so beautiful - my little sister was a pageant girl. But me, I was this weird-looking hairy child. I had more than just a unibrow; I feel like I had a mustache, a goatee.

I try to take breaks from makeup on the weekends. I try to not to wear any on Fridays and Saturdays. It's good to let your skin breathe and it's good not to depend on makeup, to feel comfortable in our skin.

I've worn pretty much every hat in the beauty industry, from blogger to makeup artist to YouTube influencer to Instagram influencer to journalist.

I feel the same way about makeup that I do about food - I don't want the big companies to give me my food. I want the niche mom and pops who care about their food making it. I don't want the Kraft cheese, I want the niche cheese.

This is how I feel about cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. If people want to do it for themselves - it's fine. If people want to do it for the outside world, that's when it's not necessarily a healthy thing.

Sometimes, you really need to trust your gut.

I drink bullet coffee, and I make it myself because I hate coffee. I get a shot of raw coffee, mix it with butter from grass-fed cows and coconut milk. It's amazing!

I fell in love with Instagram.

There's something sexy about a lip with a hint of red in it.

My makeup will stay on from morning until late and people are always like, 'How? What do you do?' It comes down to - and I know this is going to sound so bad - but really layering lots of makeup properly. That's the key if you're partying, working, or a mom or whatever - this is foolproof.

That was honestly one of the biggest learnings for us: to stay true to the value we believe our company offers, and to not allow people to undercut us just because we're women.

Although we represent this almost drag-like beauty at Huda Beauty, I'm not only this person who is made up and always likes to wear their hair flawless and their makeup flawless.

I love seeing people being more daring with their makeup.

A lot of beauty brands, they'll really infiltrate the States. But going out of the States, they struggle.