I love Barbados, it's really relaxing.

I love everything about hockey.

We can love ourselves by loving the earth.

In the end, we get older, we kill everyone who loves us through the worries we give them, through the troubled tenderness we inspire in them, and the fears we ceaselessly cause.

I wanted to love my father. I wanted to, but I didn't. Sometimes I didn't even like him. he hadn't been a guy you could really get next to, because in a way he was never where you thought he was.

Go. Think. Turn black into white. Night into day. I am tired of thinking. I know where it will lead me and I don’t Want to be there. Go love. Do your thinking.

We all think we're different, but when it comes around, we end up needing the same things. Somebody to love us. Somebody to respect us.

Next to love is the desire for love.

When these long telephone silences come, it is a sure sign that love is over.

I'm a regular person. I know a lot of people love being famous. I don't like it. I'm just chillin'. YouknowwhatI'msayin'?

I used to switch up my cologne every two to three months, get a new wave - Dolce, Versace, Burberry. But Black Orchid, that joint stayed. That's the smell of beauty that stays on you... and girls love Tom Ford.

I'd love a super human memory. My memory has never been good.

Making love is, simply put, poetry in motion.

D.C.'s a tough place to get love unless you're from D.C. It's like everybody hates you here. The only black person that everyone can agree on is Obama.

Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.

What more could I have done when I did not know that to love is both to seek and to be sought? For me love was nothing but a dialogue of little riddles, with no answers given.

Mine was the unbearable jealousy a cultured pearl must feel toward a genuine one. Or can there be such a thing in this world as a man who is jealous of the woman who loves him, precisely because of her love?

Live for who and what you love.

Don't call a girl obsessed when she's in love.

You've got to take risks if you want to find love.

I love samosas filled with mincemeat. My mum makes really great ones.

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

Loving you is what I’ve learned so easily but trying to forget you is the last thing I could hardly learn.

It doesn't matter how much you flirt the whole day, at night you'll always end up thinking about the one you truly love.