"Those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love."

"A pity beyond all telling is hid in the heart of love."

"One had a lovely face, and two or three had charm, but charm and face were in vain. Because the mountain grass cannot keep the form where the mountain hare has lain."

"Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That's all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die."

"The hour of the waning of love has beset us, And weary and worn are our sad souls now; Let us part, ere the season of passion forget us, With a kiss and a tear on thy drooping brow."

"Courage is like love; it must have hope to nourish it."

"I must see her and press her to my heart. I love her to the point of madness, and I cannot continue to be separated from her. If she no longer loved me, I would have nothing left to do on earth."

"Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you."

"Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world."

"Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life."

"There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There isonly a scarcity of resolve to make it happen."

"Eyes too expressive to be blue, / Too lovely to be grey."

"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."

"Lovers, forget your love And list to the love of these She a window flower And he a winter breeze ..."

"Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."

"I had a lovers quarrel with the world."

"A poet never takes notes. You never take notes in a love affair."

"Earth's the right place for love; / I don't know where it's likely to go better."

"Something there is that doesn't love a wall"

“The last time I saw Marilyn was in late 1959, when I appeared in Let's Make Love at Fox. The wide-eyed Marilyn I had first known was gone. This Marilyn was more beautiful than ever.” 

“A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.” 

“Love is omni-inclusive, progressively exquisite, understanding and compassionately attuned to other than self.”

I would love to go to Iran. The island of Madagascar, everyone says is pretty exotic, or the wonderful Namibian desert.

I love reading other people's diaries, especially someone like Virginia Woolf's - such a formidable woman that it's a revelation when she shows you a more vulnerable side of herself.