"The point about love, the essential point, was that we loved what we loved. We did not choose. We just loved."

"You have to leave your heart to get on with it. It's rather like breathing. We don't have to remind ourselves to breathe."

"There is plenty of work for love to do."

"But don't we often lie to people we love, or not tell them things, precisely because we love them?"

"That of all people, it should be him; that took her aback. That the heart should settle on somebody like him; that surprised her. But she was so certain about it, so certain."

"Love in a night shall live and die, Love in a day shall wing and fly; Love in the Spring shall last an hour, Easily fade a spring-tide flower."

"Stab your demoniac smile to my brain, Soak me in cognac, love, and cocaine"

"This is the Night wherein I'm lost, the Love through which I am no longer"

"This complaining rambling rubbish is the substitute which has taken the place of love."

"For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union."

"The most delicious sensation of all is the re-birth of healthy human love. Spring coming back to Earth!"

"Love is the law, love under will."

"Love cannot save you from your own fate."

"Be loving and the love in your life will increase."

"Is what I am saying loving, compassionate, kind, empowering, or insightful?"

"Love - THE FEELING - is a fruit of love, the verb."

"No man loves life like him that's growing old"

"None love the messenger who brings bad news."

"No man loves the bearer of bad tidings."

"Whoever gets up and comes to grips with Love like a boxer is a fool."

"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"The value of love will always be stronger than the value of hate.. Any nation or group of nations which employs hatred eventually is torn to pieces by hatred..."

"There is nothing I love as much as a good fight."

"When I need a break, a date night with my husband or a night out with girlfriends always does the trick."