Both of us are lucky because we married women who are amazing cooks.

There's definitely a lot of moments in my life now where I go, 'Wow, I get paid for this.' I've had worse jobs.

We don't take ourselves seriously; we make the records for fun.

I may have punched walls when no one else was around.

Good Charlotte's the first band we've ever been in, and back then, critics didn't matter. There were no rules. There was no one we had to impress.

We started our band in a garage when we were 15.

When you're making an album, it's kind of like having a baby. You have to really put everything into it.

I kind of live by this old thing that time will tell whether people are going to write about this or that; all we can do is be who we are and make records we love, and everything else will sort itself out.

Every time we go to New Zealand, it gets harder to leave. Everyone's always treated us like we're at home.

The guy who runs Big Day Out doesn't like us for some reason; I don't even know why. We do all the other festivals, and we enquired about it. Who knows, maybe he'll eventually crack, but maybe not. We're just going to keep knocking on his door late at night saying, 'Come on, dude!'

All of our lyrics are really personal, and we get a lot of personal letters.

Good Charlotte is very special to us. It's something we really cherish.

Good Charlotte became more than a band and more than the songs: it became something that the fans owned.

The Madden Brothers is definitely not a side project.

We have known each other for a long time, and I've always known the real Paris. I always knew she was like wife material or serious girlfriend material.

I've done plenty of phoners for Joel when he's been too busy. You'll never know. Our voices sound so similar.

The only time I only really made out with a girl in high school, my mom caught me.

I couldn't grow, like, any kind of facial hair at 17.

I've always been obsessed with girls.

I think it's a known fact that Joel and I have always loved Australia since we started coming here 13 or 14 years ago. Everyone knows we love it here. Our only concern is will we wear our welcome out?

I have a great family, so I'm lucky I've gotten to experience all the joys of having a family.

I answer the questions I want, and I don't the ones I don't.

I love the gym; I do a lot of curls.

I always jump at the chance to mentor kids when it comes to music.