I'm always happy to work with my brother and especially to be a part of 'The Voice Kids.'

I'm a really easy guy to read.

When we were babies, mum had to dress one of us in one colour, like blue and green, and she'd put a little mark on our hand or toe... she definitely had to sort us out.

When we were younger, we fought, but that's what kids do, right?

Coffee in Italy and some places in Europe is great, but there's just something about Australian coffee.

The one thing that nobody else in the world can touch is the coffee in Australia.

It's important for artists to value themselves - whatever that means. Everyone's going to take that in a different way. If you don't value yourself, you will be bought and sold.

Prince led by example. As prolific as he was as an artist, he was just as courageous in the business.

The youth is always going to decide the future.

One of the most harmful things in the music industry is 'record-by-committee,' where 10 people from the label gather around, and they make you write a 100 songs and decide which one's a hit. That takes the inspiration out of it.

'Life Changes' is a song that we feel really connects to the spirit of our band and our fans. It's got that positive vibe we always want to put out there, and the message - no matter how many times you get knocked down, always get back up - will forever be part of the GC story.

I wouldn't be surprised if this album cycle for 'Cardiology' is the funnest couple years we ever see. We've made all of our mistakes; we've kind of learned. Now we know what to avoid, we know what to embrace, we know how to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

You've got to think, when we started our band, none of us had a computer until we were 21.

What we're most known for is the catchy choruses and the big hooks.

There's this wave of new pop-punk bands that has come out that's bigger than ever. I'm really glad that we got to be a part of helping push that forward, if we did at all. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I really was thinking a lot about the energy on the first couple records that we ever put out and how young and excited we were. I just really wanted to make it more fun than anything.

Maryland is such a special place, man... You miss that warm, friendly love. It ain't like that everywhere else in the world.

As a kid, you're like, 'Do they have Preakness everywhere or just in Maryland?' You hear people talking about it, and it was like, 'Oh, everyone goes there to hang out and party.' I didn't even know it was a race until I got older.

We can guarantee you that 15 to 30 seconds of any of our songs are going to be good. The rest, we can't guarantee.

Our music contradicts our look.

Joel? He's the rock star! When you see Joel step on stage... he's born to be a rock star.

Good Charlotte fit in a lot of different genres - it's one of the coolest things our band has been able to do.

A lot of our fans have grown up, but they've stuck by us for the songs that dig a little deeper.

We've made a lot of party music; we're definitely not Thom Yorke. But there's also depth to our records; we get emotional.